Received black belt from Relson Gracie yesterday

thanks Jackel, FullblastJKD, and Andreh! We are really the old timers lol

Are you in Cape Coral?

I'm in Naples, Florida

Oh cool. My friend just got his brown belt from Relson, but he's in Cape Coral. Just checking to see if you were at the same school as him.

Also, Congrats!

relson said he would be getting the red belt in a couple months. i wonder who will promote him? rorion?

thanks! I think I met him - nice guy (I was there at the belt promotions at cape coral).

Biggator - yeah, in March...if I understand how these things are done, its usually a "group" promotion (i.e. all the brothers hold the belt and present it at the same time)

I dunno, when we asked Relson he said that Rorion would give it as the family GM. But I don't know that he had thought it out.

sweet thanks guys. that should be something to see. hope alot of the fam make it out to Hi for that. I think some of the tension from the past is fading a bit...

Congrats again!!!


Congrats ! getting one from Relson is not easy brother. If you ever make it up to Maryland please stop in at Calvert . Ryron will be in on the 11th then Phil after that . Again Congrats and well done !

thanks to all the posts above! I agree that some of the old tensions seem to be fading...about time! :)

Calvert sounds cool! If there are any opportunities for me to teach privates or whatever when I come up, I'd love to make the trip sometime. Email me at whenever you like.

SWEET!!! So we both got our BB's this last weekend!!! And we're both 01'ers!!! COINCIDENCE!!??!?! I THINK NOT!! Seriously. Great job man. How long have ya been training?

McLeod - nice! congrats!!! coincidence...I think not neither lol (double negative ouch)...started officially in 1998 under a pedro sauer affiliate eddie camden in atlanta. first did a seminar with relson in 2001. congrats again!