Recommended Squat Program (Burgener? Hatch?)


thanks for the explanation.

I guess the appeal of the 10x3 program and others is that it is laid out before you and absent the benefit of a personal trainer, having a program to follow is helpful.

my own judgment on enough or too little is often skewed. I find when i'm feeling good I do too much and when i'm not feeling well i do too little.

i'm back tomorrow in the gym, was going to try 10x3 and see what happens, this time at a more reasonable weight.

the real goals here are twofold:

1) my squat is out of line with my other lifts I believe and I squat like a pussy. time to squat like a man

2) i'm tired of my front squat being my limiting factor in my clean and jerk. I can jerk more than I can front squat right now. and that is WACK


No worries. Good luck with the training.


It's cool bro I jerk more than I front squat too. If i have the day to myself I might go for magic #5


dc1000 - 
jeremy hamilton - 
dc1000 - 
jeremy hamilton - "What would you do if a guy came to you and said, more than anything in the world I want to put 100 lbs each on my back and front squat, I want to do it as quickly as possible, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to do it?"

Squat daily, heavier on one day, super light on the next, gradually increase until everyday is heavy. IMO

I am not trying to be dense but could you elaborate on reps and sets please ? Also do you mean seven days a week? Phone Post 3.0

Yes 7. You set the paramaters...

Everything else would take a backseat big time.

Work up over 5 sets or so to a top set of 3-5, plus one backoff set. Something like that.

Just practice that shit as much as you can. Add backoff sets as you progress in ability. Start light, one set a day (not to failure) will be enough for a while, soon enough there will be no amount of volume that makes you sore.

This will bring lots of tendonitis in the elbow, but remember you said you are willing to do whatever it takes to do it.


Did you mean elbow? or knee?

I've squatted plenty in the past and have been squatting regularly just not frequently.

I've also been front squatting, overhead squatting, as well as squatting in my clean.

I'm ready for real volume so will just give it a go

Not to be argumentative - but don't I need to recover sometime?

I mean elbow. Unless you squat high bar then elbow might not be a problem.

You will recover at night when you sleep. It will suck for a little while but that's why I said start light. You could even start with 4 or 5 days a week and then progress to 6 or 7.

Don't be a puss, people do a lot harder stuff than squat for 45mins a day.

If you are having a bad day then so be it, get some practice in and then try again the next day.

I would not do this personally because I have 2 other lifts that need attention. But if it was gun to my head, add 100lbs to my squat, this is probably how I would do it.

Not to hijack the thread, but I'm currently dealing with a bum shoulder (might just be tendonitis but I'm getting an MRI to determine if it's anything worse). Obviously that takes away all upper body lifts, but I hate being inactive so I plan on focusing almost entirely on squats.

I guess my question is if this sounds like an OK plan? I'd still consider myself a beginner as my 5-rep max on squats is my body weight (185). Should I just stay out of the gym altogether and be miserable until it's over?

so far so good.

i've taken a middle path from the 10x3 burgener and jeremy's squat 7 days a week program.

i'm doing the 10x3 accelerated, doing each week every other day. we shall see how that goes.