The best MMA message board on the interwebs. No:
Bans for "fighter bashing" (critical statements)
Bans/deletions of .gif threads (C'MON SON!)
Paying to purchase a membership in order to post photos, but then have them banned anyways.
Kowtowing to the likes of Lloyd Irvin
Eventually (like the old ADCC forums), all good things go bad, and something better comes along.
reddit mma is useful, but i find the best discussion (for the most part) goes on here. will all the bs though, maybe it's time for a change
Team GDP -reddit mma is useful, but i find the best discussion (for the most part) goes on here. will all the bs though, maybe it's time for a change
Best discussion by far. People abuse the voting system there far more than here.
A lot of guys there are new fans which is good but they lack context alot of the time. I love the place and the mods rule as week as the the people but this place is like home and has a really superior app.
DanHendersonsDentures - if u get have a blue n get banned here, do they refund a certain amount of money back to you along the lines of time left on blue. Like if u got a 12 month for what is it $30, and got banned 6 months in. Do they just say fuck off or refund you the $15? Cuz damn it would suck balls to get banned for a certain opinion that others have, and have clearly stated yet a mod decided to take his shitty day out on you at that moment n hit u with the ban hammer
You can get banned in both forums
DanHendersonsDentures - if u get have a blue n get banned here, do they refund a certain amount of money back to you along the lines of time left on blue. Like if u got a 12 month for what is it $30, and got banned 6 months in. Do they just say fuck off or refund you the $15? Cuz damn it would suck balls to get banned for a certain opinion that others have, and have clearly stated yet a mod decided to take his shitty day out on you at that moment n hit u with the ban hammer
Not every mod here can ban you..... Only a small select few I think. Like Kirik, Jason and maybe Crooklynn. So if you do something offensive enough to get banned by one of them then tough shit.
caseharts -What's tgeir app called?Team GDP -reddit mma is useful, but i find the best discussion (for the most part) goes on here. will all the bs though, maybe it's time for a change
Best discussion by far. People abuse the voting system there far more than here.
A lot of guys there are new fans which is good but they lack context alot of the time. I love the place and the mods rule as week as the the people but this place is like home and has a really superior app.

Tomas Andersson - I dont like reddit as an actual discussion due to the vote system. I want to see oldest post first and most recent last etc. As a normal forum.FYI, you can choose how comments and threads are displayed. They are just sorted by highest-voted by default. You can comments by 'new' and you can sort threads by 'new' if that is your preference.
And due to the fact that solid "threads" might never be seen just due to how many people are online when you post it and decides to vote it up. Hence its time based also.. As in the time most people are online is the best time to post one.
However information wise and entertainment nothing beats reddit.
Havent really visited their mma section though.

Lol OPs been a member for a couple if months.
caseharts -The best app for reddit, on iOS at least, is Alien Blue. You just add the subreddits of your choice and you are good to go. It is the best forum app that I have used or know of.Team GDP -reddit mma is useful, but i find the best discussion (for the most part) goes on here. will all the bs though, maybe it's time for a change
Best discussion by far. People abuse the voting system there far more than here.
A lot of guys there are new fans which is good but they lack context alot of the time. I love the place and the mods rule as week as the the people but this place is like home and has a really superior app.

Thanks, OP. I think I'm over this place. Maybe if a lot of former UGers get over there, it'll improve the level of discourse.
Crooklyn -
hell of a response lol.
Reddit is pretty terrible for the most part and 99% of the people use the downvote system as a 'disagree' button. However, the MMA board is pretty decent.
Crooklyn -Smell that? Smells like someone died.

There are no discussions on reddit, just people making posts for that sweet Karma.
UG is catching up with the voting system here, but it's not quite there yet.
It's a good place to view threads, but don't expect discussion.
Madrugadao - The problem with reddit is it is overrun with various groups who down vote anything they don't like.
Pro nuclear.
etc etc
Now I don't have a problem with any of these groups but it turns discussion into complete shit.
That being said, 50% of the posters here are racists simpletons.
this is the OG