Remember Eric "Tapout" Fatovic?

I wrote on the facebook group about his piece of shit a long time ago and once a week ago when one of his friends said MMA takes no skill and I wrote this:
that's why boxing is a dying sport and take's way more skill to fight mixed martial arts. I mean this eric kid is a fucking retard and would get thrown around by all the people on this group. Put your best boxer against are best MMA guy and are guy would win guaranteed.

Eric "TapouT" Fatovic sent a message to me:
lol id snap ur neck..being and mma fighter must be cool and all, but u dont have a reason to fight u were spoiled as a child i have a reason to fight i been through alot of hard shit...u wouldnt last a day nor a minute in the streets with me

He is one of the fake fighters who made the website that he would show girls.

I remember this

 Can you list all the things that you want us to hate this guy for?

Need more info.

Someone in NJ should give this kid a scare or an ass whippin.

I vaguely remember this guy among all the fake fighters...links?

didn't this guy already have his life ruined by the UG
He also claim to beat Brian Stann and was fighting his last fight on the undercard of ufc 94. is the facebook group.

I just don't understand lying about something that is so easy to verify... What do these people think is gonna happen?

boxing is a dying sport and take's way more skill to fight mixed martial arts

Since when did more skill to fight in mixed martial arts?

You both are TUF noobs IMO.

And boxing is not a dying sport, it routinely sells out and racks up great PPV numbers.

i would have to be a tuf noob considering my age. There are way more options you have to be good in all aspects of the sport not just standing which is what boxing is. I never said it doesn't sell or rack up great PPV numbers.
Let it be known Eric Tapout is back after his surgery on his back.

 wait so the guy doesn't like mma and his nickname is "Tapout" ?


mortician - i would have to be a tuf noob considering my age. There are way more options you have to be good in all aspects of the sport not just standing which is what boxing is. I never said it doesn't sell or rack up great PPV numbers.

Let it be known Eric Tapout is back after his surgery on his back.

 Shut up kid. Its great to love one sport but do it without bashing another, which you clearly no nothing about. NOTHING! All it does is make you sound insecure..

Spare us your analogies about "standing", "being good in all aspects" and that other garbage that Joe Rogan tries to stuff down your throat on every telecast.  You dont have to be "good" at everything. Its the easiest sport in the world to become a "pro" in. Not everyone is as well rounded as Eric Tapout!!!

mortician - There are way more options you have to be good in all aspects of the sport not just standing which is what boxing is.

And yet, the striking of some fighters in the pinacle of MMA is absolutely terrible.

Boxers have to be perfect at their craft before they can get to any sort of reasonable level. There is a huge difference between being OK at a few seperate disciplines and being great at one.

For you to say that MMA requires more skill leads me to believe you are completely uneducated about boxing.

I'm not saying either is tougher than the other - But get yourself into a boxing gym and get back to me on how tough it is.

mortician -
I never said it doesn't sell or rack up great PPV numbers.

You said it was dieing, I countered that point with the fact that it consistently sells PPV's and is nowhere close to dieing.


 Who gives a fat frog's ass about what that kid thinks or does?

Don't you have anything better to do with your time?

Wasn't he the one that once the TOT started in with him he changed his story to some kind of neck surgery and he had to retire from the cage fighting

yes^ and all of his friends believed him.

lol I remember this loser well. I can't believe how many of his friends stuck up for him and still believed he was a badass fighter.