Remember when

Weidman offered to step in and fight jones at 151? Kinda wish that fight would have happened. Not that we would have understood it's awesomeness at the time. But still Phone Post 3.0

Weidman is a no nonsense kind of dude. He should not worry about the drugs and shit with Vitor, just let it play out. In my opinion he could have beaten TRT Vitor anyway.

ShanTheMan - Weidman is a no nonsense kind of dude. He should not worry about the drugs and shit with Vitor, just let it play out. In my opinion he could have beaten TRT Vitor anyway.
I think TRT vitor would have been a great fight. I at first didn't like him as the first time I saw him was the Damien maia?( I think thats how you spell it) fight. But he has earned my respect Phone Post 3.0

Was talking to my brother about this, would not have realized the "Oh shit" factor back then, but Weidman is awesome Phone Post 3.0

it would have been interesting. I still feel vitor can ko him in round 1 or 2 if they do fight. lyoto was landing a lot when he became more aggressive (especially in the 4th) and vitor is much more aggressive and hits harder