From what I underatand most of their students are kinda eh at best. But if thats true how the heck did they build one of the best MMA-BJJ guys out there? T-City is everything Kron wishes he was.
Privates, lots and lots of privates I have no idea though.
Triangle city was a young kid when he started there and essentially quickly became part of the inner circle. He hung out with the gracies all the time even outside of class like the regular students and he was actual friends with them. Much like jordan back in the day.
Yes but that still doesn’t explain his skill level being so high, with essentially no other “good” prospects coming out of there.
Well the “secret” to getting good at GJJ has always been to do it from childhood, which he did.
Whereas, Danaher and some other coaches create “elite” BJJ athletes & fighters from students who start much later in life.
You nerds might not understand this, but athleticism, intelligence, will, toughness and killer instinct actually count for something and they can’t be taught. Ortega has all of these.
It does in a lot of ways. He essentially got ample individual attention from the gracies almost 24/7 for his bjj skill development. He got access to them as training partners along with all the other notable people they had access to that they would train with behind the scenes. Despite the school’s reputation it was common for high end grapplers/fighters wanting to seek out training with the gracie bros. Kron, carlos condit etc spent time visiting and training with them back in the day.
Also t city was a mat rat. He was there everyday training. I think his homelife may have sucked too.
The school typically doesnt attract mat rats with potential to go far in the sport and/or mma because the school focuses on attracting upper class business folk with money.

You nerds might not understand this, but athleticism, intelligence, will, toughness and killer instinct actually count for something and they can’t be taught. Ortega has all of these
Yeah but you still need a homebase training environment that will supplement those attributes…with actual skills and competent training partners. Which i explained in my post because ortega has access to training beyond what the typical gracie academy student receives.
I’m continually amazed they don’t have MORE high-level students competing in stuff.
I never hear much about them nor see their students compete locally, in anything. They are oddly not really a big part of the local BJJ nor local MMA scene. They are in the heart of it, but not really a part of it. they are surrounded by schools where students are using jiu jitsu to fight in MMA, no gi, EBI rules, traditional sport BJJ, etc.
It seems like they really focus more on an online presence.
Had a brown belt guy drop in a couple years ago. He actually got pissed when people were passing standing. Like he never heard or had seen such a thing. He was fucking horrible and not because he didn’t have the ability to be good. He just sucked at BJJ.
the brown belt was from Gracie Academy in Torrance?
That’s what he said. Had on their gi too. Super weird dude
I have met numerous ppl who train at Gracie University. Severely unimpressed. I don’t know why or how but I am pretty sure the average student there is below your average bjj student. Like that place attracts a certain “type” of student.
I know high level IS possible from there, but it seems rare. Honestly, I believe some students are just natural grapplers. These types will get good in ANY gym, as long as the teacher is teaching minimally proper bjj.
I’m guessing a majority of the Gracie Academy students rarely engage in competitive rolling/sparring.
Yes but I have heard if lets say you take one of your blue belts and send them there, they’ll maul.

I’m guessing a majority of the Gracie Academy students rarely engage in competitive rolling/sparring.
Off topic. But doesn’t that guy Brian Glick or whatever allow almost no sparring/live rounds? Wonder if its something like that
Student of the New Zealand Psycho. Seems weird too. King of the kata.
isn’t he a Danaher guy?
Rener comes off a used carsales man type