Report: Spike has given up on UFC

The mistake many promotions have made is concentrating on their own brand (affliction was self promoting).... Competing promotions need to spend all resources on building, attracting and retaining marketable fighters....Characters, heros, villains, ect...

Look how many "top MMA guys in the world" rose from obscurity after 1 season of TUF. Their starts are created in house.

ZUFFA has created its entire uninverse and people only think on their terms. Do you really think Wandy isnt good anymore all of the sudden? ..No he is the same guy, but MMA is fickle... You make a reality show that is 6 weeks long about Wandy and Kimbo. Then you let Wand massacre him at the end of the 6 weeks, put it on prime time SPIKE TV and guess what you have
You would have one fighter that is clearly past his prime who can no longer take a punch against a guy that never had a prime in MMA...people would would be what's your point?

If what you are saying is true...then Chuck Liddell would still be headlining PPV's at the same rate he was while he was champion...and we know that's not the case...

The mistake most promotions have made is concentrating on their own brand.... They need to spend all resources on building and retaining marketable fighters
lol..that would be dumb...marketable fighters outside the UFC would basically be guys that like to slug it out...which means a short career...what would that promotion do when those fighters are no longer capable of fighting? would be a wrap.

Promotions need to spend all their resources on making sure they run a efficient business without losing money...just look at what happened to Affliction.

Absolute29 - 
ZUFFA has created its entire uninverse and people only think on their terms. Do you really think Wandy isnt good anymore all of the sudden? ..No he is the same guy, but MMA is fickle... You make a reality show that is 6 weeks long about Wandy and Kimbo. Then you let Wand massacre him at the end of the 6 weeks, put it on prime time SPIKE TV and guess what you have
You would have one fighter that is clearly past his prime who can no longer take a punch against a guy that never had a prime in MMA...people would would be what's your point?

If what you are saying is true...then Chuck Liddell would still be headlining PPV's at the same rate he was while he was champion...and we know that's not the case...

The point is that people would watch it. The marketablity of the fighters is the point. Not the skill, not the promotion, not the logo... its the individual fighters brand and their draw that makes a good show. UFC can not control that invariably. They can only control their promotion. it is the fighters choice to be employed. IF a company like Bellator on a primetime spot at SPIKE attracts good talent and executed the characters correctly they would create a serious threat. Two or three good shows an the tide shift dramatically.... SF was an example an they DIDNT execute it. They sold. That is my point. It can be done.

Herring In A Fur Coat - BJJZONE, what you're missing is that fighters come and go.  To build a brand with any longevity, you have to build the BRAND.  Which is what UFC has succesffully done, and everyone else failed to do.

250,000 + people buy every UFC PPV no matter who is fighting.

No other promotion has been able to break the 100K buys barrier, again no matter who is fighting.

Until this changes, there will be no real competition for UFC.

Forget the branding of the promotion in the begining. the key to competing with UFC is finding a way to undermind its talent pool. Of course its not easy, but it can be done and I beleive in just a couple promotions with the right visisbility and cast. There are skilled fighters that could knock out a champ on any given day, the fact that they come and go is what makes it possible. You market your fighters correctly, get people questioning the talent pool in a division between your promotion and the UFC's and you hold the key to accomplishing your goal. It can be done.

MMALOGIC is a well known teenage troll who like to pretend he is some kind of insider

I wouldn't pay attention to anything he says


How could anyone have trouble running a TV network with Video Games and MMA!!! Two things that will never go down in popularity and $$$

Haters and people who try to over think things are the ones being negative.

BJJZONE -Forget the branding of the promotion in the begining. the key to competing with UFC is finding a way to undermind its talent pool. Of course its not easy, but it can be done and I beleive in just a couple promotions with the right visisbility and cast. There are skilled fighters that could knock out a champ on any given day, the fact that they come and go is what makes it possible. You market your fighters correctly, get people questioning the talent pool in a division between your promotion and the UFC's and you hold the key to accomplishing your goal. It can be done.
There's no way to undermine the UFC talent pool..if they want a fighter...they'll get him...if they want to keep a fighter...they will do so...the fact that the UFC has like 95% of the best fighters out there kills you entire idea...and the fact that Zuffa now insures their fighters and others can't afford to do it? forgetaboutit

traneufcisback -  Personally, I think we should all BOYCOTT UFC shows and ONLY support smaller events. Then Dana will be begging for people to watch.

I'm already boycotting all shitty PPV's Phone Post

KissMisery - 
RickMartelsArrogance - 
KissMisery - 
The UFC NEEDS Spike.

No they don't.


Like the NFL, NBA, MLB, NCAA don't need ABC, CBS, ESPN?!

So they would just stream all of their content?

Please educate yourself. The UFC is not some self contained powerhouse that would be able to operate without a network.

No, those orgs. have TNT, TBS, and FOX

Bellator is the new shit, hope Spike picks them up and make an inspiring reality show (no TUF like garbage)


There's no way to undermine the UFC talent pool..if they want a fighter...they'll get him...if they want to keep a fighter...they will do so...the fact that the UFC has like 95% of the best fighters out there kills you entire idea...

This is wrong. Yes UFC does control the top 95% of fighters, but the "top 95% of fighters" can change on the dime and many times at Zuffas discretion. There are a handfull of guys with true longterm legacies who stay marketable throught their career but smart an timely matchmaking and branding of individual fighters is what many times dictates the "top 95%" not just talent. Add in that there are guys in every division that knowbody has ever heard of who if given the chance could walk in the octogon on a given day and win the belt with a KO or a sub ... If you dont beleive that you are kidding yourself.

Not hating here, Zuffa fighters are the best in the world, I have no problem giving my money to watch them....but people need to quit swinging on the UFC... Every organization on the planet has vulnerabilities and can be outdone...

until they address thier steroid, TRT, HRT epidemic they are gonna have problems.