Request: Help from Pro Fighters

I'm developing a very large website at the moment, a small section of which will be for physical fitness and martial arts.

In the PF MA section I'd like to have a section with an archive of interviews with people who do these things for a living (I will be sending similar interviews to other athletes as well). The interviews themselves will be exactly the same - so that if there's something about training or diet that a person is interested in - they can see if there's some consensus - or at least get a suggestion that might lead them in their own "right direction" from the interviews.

I have the interview in word format, and if any pro fighter is interested (regardless of the number of pro fights they've had -- it could be one or one hundred) I would like to email you the interview - and all you have to do is add your answers below the questions in bold format.

There will also be a place for any messages that you might want to send, or links to your personal web page or a sponsors page etc.

I'm not directly competing with (I couldn't) so I don't think there's a conflict of interest here. If there is -

Kirik... Mea Culpa


Anyway - if you're a pro fighter and wish to do the interview email me at

The interviews and an enormous amount of new content will be up in about 2 months from now. At the moment the website is just a framework of sorts.

Robert Bentley

Thanks for all your help!