Respect to Helio Gracie

As most of us have likely already heard, Helio Gracie, father and progenitor of Gracie Jiujitsu, passed away earlier today (Thursday, January 29th).

There are a million threads reporting this already, but I wanted to post this thread purely as a sign of respect to Mestre Gracie.

Regardless of the politics, the controversies, the revisionims, or any other nonsense, the fact remains: Without Helio and his incredible contribution, there is a high degree of probability that we would still be in the Stone Age regarding our understanding of true martial arts and the reality of fighting.

Thank you, Mestre. Your contribution changed my life and a million others. May noble angels sing thee to thy rest.



Damn 95 years old! good job, much love and respect to the Gracie family, they changed sports in the U.S. forever.

RIP, much respect.

Respec' and Rest In Peace.


God Bless You will be missed but never forgoten.
Your memory will live on in your teachings.
Thank you for touching all our live even if we never meet.

ttt god bless and rip

Much respect. RIP...

I normally frown and avoid these types of threads...but I can only wish to live as full of a life as he did and have health into my 90's.

It is a sad day indeed.


Atomic - I normally frown and avoid these types of threads...but I can only wish to live as full of a life as he did and have health into my 90's.

It is a sad day indeed.

I agree, Atomic. Normally I stay away from these threads too. However, for a man of this importance, I make sure I give him his due.

