Return of 'Mr. Pride' at UFC 110

chicagosmma - As you requested...If Wandy loses to Bisping I may vomit for the first time ever after a fight.

Thank you sir.

Most beautiful things I've seen in my 27 yrs of existence:
1- My daughter being born.
2- The woman in Sweden and Norway.
3- Hendo KO'ing Bisping.

Mr. T. Jameson - 
JT42382 -  UFC 110 is going to be the return of Mr. Pride by Eduardo Cruz

What does it say bottom right?  is that how showman signs his work?

It says "Deus e fiel" God is faithfull

Heartbroken Lee - 
Takanori Homie - 
chicagosmma - As you requested...If Wandy loses to Bisping I may vomit for the first time ever after a fight.

Thank you sir.

Most beautiful things I've seen in my 27 yrs of existence:

1- My daughter being born.

2- The woman in Sweden and Norway.

3- Hendo KO'ing Bisping.

I hope you're being facetious, because if this is true then you have lived a pitiful life.
And you're living a full and fruitful existence......posting Bitchping nutthugging threads from your mums basement.  

 3- Hendo KO'ing Bisping

Combat Vette - I'm betting this same thing happens when "The Count" gets in the ring with "The Axe Murderer"

Here Mike, I brought you a knuckle sandwich

....And here's dessert, ya limey!! 


 I am so fucking pumped to see the AXE Murderer kill again.

RickStorm -  WAR WANDERLEI!!!!


Kimbos Beard -

Bisping will know the feeling soon. Even Henderson did.


i don't care if Wanderlei is on: HGH/ EPO/ deca/ winny / a fat rail of meth/ any illegal substance ever

i just want him to win.  i want him to fuckin ruin Bisping.

nrallen - Disappointed by this noob post and not seeing the return of Akira Shoji.