Rewatched Condit vs Diaz

And i've changed my opinion.

I think initially, I was discouraged to see Condit moving away, and I wasn't seeing the fight for what it was. I expected Nick to dominate the fight, and when he didn't, I was assuming he was losing. When the fight was over, I was unhappy but believed Nick really lost.

Rewatching the fight objectively, I see now that Nick won 1, 2, 3, and 5. It's crazy how watching the fight without any preconceptions or expectations is so much different than watching it expecting Nick to dominate.

 He didn't win round 5. 

1 and 2 could have gone either way. 

1 minute and 15 seconds on the ground < 3 mintes 45 seconds being out struck and not having cage control

Was a close fight but how can you give him round 3?

Condit 32 significant strikes

Diaz 22 significant strikes

Condit 4 power shots to the head

Diaz 2 power shots to the head

Diaz 5 bodyshots

Condit 4 bodyshots

Diaz 3 bodyjab

Condit 4 bodyjabs

Condit 6 lowkicks with power

Diaz 1 lowkick with power

Let you guys in on a little secret right here right now...

No one is going to change anyone's mind on who was the real winner of that fight.

OP has hammered the living shit out of the correct and everyone should know that, and everyone should accept that, but they won't.

God bless them. And God bless Condit too for granting a rematch. Ball is in Saturday night's winner's court now and I hope to God this goes through.

PS: We may disagree about who won the fight the other night (Diaz, exactly how OP said it), but I love each and every one of you, and have a FUCKTON of respect for Condit right now.

I rewatched it last night too and came to the same conclusion.

Initially I had it going either way in rd 1 diaz rd 2 either way rd 3 condit rd 4 and diaz rd 5

After rewatching it last night I had Diaz winning 1,2,3,5

Winnson - Let you guys in on a little secret right here right now...

No one is going to change anyone's mind on who was the real winner of that fight.

OP has hammered the living shit out of the correct and everyone should know that, and everyone should accept that, but they won't.

God bless them. And God bless Condit too for granting a rematch. Ball is in Saturday night's winner's court now and I hope to God this goes through.

PS: We may disagree about who won the fight the other night (Diaz, exactly how OP said it), but I love each and every one of you, and have a FUCKTON of respect for Condit right now.

This is probably the most adult pro Diaz post I've seen yet!! Serious VTFU!

But Condit still won ;p Phone Post

 There is no place on this board for reason and respect Winnson.  Voted down.  ;)

 Oh, and OP nailed it.

1,2, 5!!

This couldn't go in one of the 747264 other Condit threads? Phone Post