Rewatched Condit vs Kampmann/McDonald/Diaz

 And my opinion is waivered some.

Condit in his fights with all three, moved very similar. Yes he planted his feet and moved forward more in the previous 2 than against Diaz, but it wasn't as significantly different Carlos than I originally thought.

Also, Kampmann/McDonald are totally different styles so take that into consideration when comparing the strategy and past striking tendancies of Condit/Diaz.

I chose these fights b/c they were more than one round, it gave me time to really analyze Condit's style.

The biggest mistake I know that I made, was thinking that Carlos fought a totally different fight than he normally does. The only thing Carlos did different, is he didn't come forward as much, as well as he didn't throw many combos, as far as combos more than 2 strikes before disengaging.

I still have a bitter taste in my mouth about the fights though.

I just rewatched a prefight interview with Condit, and Condit says that he likes to move around alot and use angles. He also said, that Diaz is the kind of fighter that comes straight forward. Hearing condit awknowledge this before the fight, makes me rethink my feelings in that he fought a scared fight.

Regardless, the fight was too close for any man to be a decisive winner over the other one. If Condit lost, I would feel that he's not far behind Nick at all and is right up there with GSP as far as who should fight Nick next.

Cool story bro. Tell it again.