Rickson Quick Sketch

that is a 'quick' sketch? shit

Bradu's jealousy????..

I'd love to see you and BSF do a collaboration on a comic book together.


Your Royce is excellent.

those sketches are sick!

You need to write a comic book and have BSF do the plots.

Thanks guys...I have worked on comics , right now Im at a video game company working like a mad dog. Manny

The best MMA artwork always comes from mannyc.

Good stuff

I'll do an action shot soon, maybe Silva kneeing the crud out of someone or Nog triangling

were you a graf writer back in the day? i love your work. i would like to buy one of your pieces. where and how much?

VERY nice, excellent likeness,great confident expression. Nice work! Hey- Bradu does some great stuff too!

That black and white triangle pic is fucking great, do you have any more like that? That would look great really big painted on the wall of a bjj school.

Thanks for the comments...Renoslovakia...you read my mind. I did the sketch with a really waxy pencil and couldnt correct the "overwhite" Thanks for the compliments. As for the triangle piece...Ive done several others. I'll try to post them soon...its just been to hectic. Manny

Ive posted the drawings you guys wanted to see in the BJJ artwork thread...Thanks for the emails guys...Manny

Thanks for the emails guys...I'll try and do some action shots of various fighters...Manny

All I see is the club photo logo on the 2nd page... :(


