Rickson verse ?

What fighters do you wish Rickson had fought: 1. Rickson vs Gokor(sambo/judo), 2. Rickson vs Bas 3. Rickson vs Sakuraba.

Sakuraba Phone Post 3.0

Pre-UFC; Ruas. Post-UFC; Sakuraba. Phone Post 3.0

The best fight was going to be with Marco Ruas. It was an important fight too, the next great fight in the luta livre VS GJJ rivalry.

Saku, Karelin, & Tyson. Phone Post 3.0

Rickson verse

Get off my dick, son, you crazy
I got mad aura
just ask Rickson Gracie! Phone Post 3.0






















EatonBeever -






















This is on point! Vu from me Phone Post 3.0