Ring of Fire results?

specifically, does anyone know what happened between Donald Cerrone and Anthony Njokuani?


...the way I took it was they fought

I figured as such, I was more interested in the result and a summary...

Ring of Fire 29, "Aftershock" By J. R. "Crusher" Gordon, MartialArtsRadio.com
Sean Doherty defeated Leonard Snow by armbar at :34 of two.

Sean Logsden defeated Adam Johnson by armbar at :24 of round one.

Brandon Thatch defeated Josh Kirby by Rear Naked Choke (RNC) at 1:26 of round one.

Jesse Henley defeated PJ Sierra by RNC at :47 of round two.

Isaac Diamondes defeated Cody Donovan by Knockout at :08 of round one.

Scott Jorgensen defeated Tyler Toner for the Ring of Fire Young Guns Championship by unanimous judges decision.

Luke Caudillo defeated Dennis Davis by split decision.

Donald Cerrone defeated Anthony Njokuani by triangle choke at 4:30 of round one.

Christian Allen defeated Ryan Hass for the Ring of Fire Bantamweight championship by Knockout at 4:52 of round one.

Mike Nickels defeated Carpaccio Owens by Knockout at :07 of round one.

Eliot Marshal defeated Marcus Sursa for the Ring of Fire Light Heavyweight championship by RNC at 4:59 of round one.

Fuck Hass lost!

christian allen is BANG! light

cngrats to Brandon Thatch, he has serious skills

Nickels gets a quick win

Props to my boy Eliot! Any details on how the fight went?


How did the Cerrone / Anthony fight go?  Who took it to the ground?  I was hoping they'd bang on the feet. 


Is that the Kickboxer Christian Allen? If so, COOL!

Congrats to Marshal. Sursa is a very strong grappler. Pretty impressive.



Donald/Anthony was the fight of the night imo. Good stand-up, which Anthony was getting the better of. Then when it went to the ground Cowboy got a nice triangle and kept it locked while getting slammed. Anthony ended up tapping.

Eliots fight was kind of lackluster, but not bad. it took him a long time to get the choke in and Sursa ended up tapping with one second left in the second round. He seemed pretty pissed when he found out he was a second away from making it to round three.

Christian looked awesome. He controlled the entire fight. His opponent didn't have a chance standing and was too timid to shoot for a takedown. at one point he just started falling back when Chritian attacked to go to the ground, but Christian played smart and eventually got the KO.

Mike Nikels caught Capriccio Owens coming in with a hard right and dropped him, winning in 8 seconds. He then went on to disrespectfully tell Owens that he disagrees with him killing women and children for oil. This was right after it was announced that Owens will be returning to Irag for another tour in a few weeks. Very rude and unsportsmanlike, not the time or place to make such comments.

Nothing too spectacular about the rest of the fights, but a very good event overall with some great matches. Once again, hats off to Sven.

Anthony has sick stand up, I'm not suprised.  Thanks for the recap. 

Mike Nickels is a classless dick. He is too big of a pussy to join the military in the first place.


he really said that? was it in the ring on the mic or.....?