Celebrating 4 years in business we have stepped it up another notch even though we didn't think it possible.
We now have 4 different cage framing designs. All the way up from a basic competition cage to the grand daddy of them all with trussing systems, adjustable heights and diamond steel walk arounds.
We are now also doing specialty designs JUST FOR YOU. If you have a special project or idea you would like built, we're more than happy to help design it and build it.
If you don't see what you are looking for, just ask, odds are we've done something like it over the last 4 years.
Thanks again everyone!
The Good Rev
By the end of the day today, we'll have our promoters packages together as well.
Package will include: Cage, Lights, Sound, Fog, Steps, skirts, outside banners AND a brand new trailer for hauling. All you would need to do is pick up your cage in a truck to haul your traile away and you are set.
I will update this after I have all of the packages lined up. Again, we have 4 different framing systems, adjustable heights if desired etc...
If anyone is interested I have authentic ufc iran chicken fence for sale as well.
Not meant to hijack op
You can't go wrong with UFC IRAN chicken fence... uh...wait a minute...uh...nevermind
I'd like to add that the chicken fence is inspected by all relevant athletic commissions. The ballistic wood is of the industry's highest quality and the metal for the fence is exclusively mined in Chile. Mint condition, never used on farm.
The never used on farm is important...limits the biohazards to just what you'd pick up in the middle east...
ttt for dojosensei!
Dojosensei - The never used on farm is important...limits the biohazards to just what you'd pick up in the middle east...
If you are interested. We can use any of your cages on a REAL farm at the UFC Iran compounds prior to sale. The specific biohazards that the cage will pick up is essential for having a exciting MMA competition there in the future.
Our last customer (UFC Kambodja) actually picked up a rare disease that made the particiants in the following competition suffer from Hemophilia. The extraordinary blood loss of the fighters was extremely intriguing, they even had fans jumping into the cage and licking the blood/making punch and feasting.
They heard it was a ritual native to the cage fighter BJ Penn.
Thanks for the GIF Dave! love that one