RIP Brock Lesnar

If Brock doesn't like getting hit (which we know he does not) then its going to be a first round TKO by Overeem.

Assuming Alistair can stop the take downs, which is going to be difficult.

Can Alistair keep it standing?



 Cain is a terrific wrestler with endless cardio, Alistair has neither of those attributes. The guy is not a good wrestler and his gas tank is questionable at best. I wouldn't be surprised if Brock T/KO's him from the top position. Anyway, I'm excited to see the fight. I don't think they're nearly as talented as Cain or Junior but they are exciting and I know they'll put on a good show. 


what exactly in my post is trolling?

Brock cant take big hits

Alistair can only win if he keeps it standing

then i asked a question...

I am surprised that they didn't give Brock an easier fight for his comeback, but it is an awesome fight none the less.

I think a good warm-up fight for Brock would be Schaub, since Schaub was talking all types of shit on Brock, and is also coming off a brutal defeat.

MMAfan55 - what exactly in my post is trolling?

Brock cant take big hits

Alistair can only win if he keeps it standing

then i asked a question...

Yeah That's why he came back after taking 200 punches from carwin

Notice brock didnt like getting hit while he was realy ill but before he took shots and went forward

Brock wins via brutal gnp Phone Post

Zomby - I am surprised that they didn't give Brock an easier fight for his comeback, but it is an awesome fight none the less.

I think a good warm-up fight for Brock would be Schaub, since Schaub was talking all types of shit on Brock, and is also coming off a brutal defeat.

I see where youre coming from but Schaub isnt close to Brock on the HW list. He just lost his title, they are going to give him some serious competition

DamnSevern - 
MMAfan55 - what exactly in my post is trolling?

Brock cant take big hits

Alistair can only win if he keeps it standing

then i asked a question...

Yeah That's why he came back after taking 200 punches from carwin
And boom goes the dynamite


Brock is going to eat a knee thrown from Amsterdamn early

DamnSevern - 
MMAfan55 - what exactly in my post is trolling?

Brock cant take big hits

Alistair can only win if he keeps it standing

then i asked a question...

Yeah That's why he came back after taking 200 punches from carwin

youre right

first kick or knee that lands, more break dancing from Lesnar

DamnSevern - Tool

The tool was a little unnecessary though

Fuck me for having an opinion that contradicts what damn severn thinks :/


Anti JR - Those shots were designed to get a ref stoppage. Reem issues out concussions.

I guess werdum got lucky

Bukkake -  BROCK FTW VIA GnP

This. Easily. Phone Post

MMAfan55 - 
DamnSevern - Tool

The tool was a little unnecessary though

Fuck me for having an opinion that contradicts what damn severn thinks :/


The tool was for saying rip to someone who is still alive

DamnSevern - 
MMAfan55 - 
DamnSevern - Tool

The tool was a little unnecessary though

Fuck me for having an opinion that contradicts what damn severn thinks :/


The tool was for saying rip to someone who is still alive

ohh i see, yeah youre right bud, thats a great reason...

Wow. RIP, Brock. You know, unless other shit happens, then he could totally win. Nice title OPFT. Phone Post