RIP Chris Moore SE GA

That's horrible.

My condolences, thoughts, and prayers.

As everyone else has already said, horrible news. Something so sudden and unexpected must be even more difficult to deal with.

RIP and best wishes to the family.


RIP and condolences

this is awful. the good ones always go early. assholes live forever. rip


So sorry. Is this the same Chris Moore that Joker fought at KOTC a couple of months ago? (There looks to be a resemblence). Regardless, R.I.P. and thoughts to his loved ones.

Condolences to his friends and family


FredruM - So sorry. Is this the same Chris Moore that Joker fought at KOTC a couple of months ago? (There looks to be a resemblence). Regardless, R.I.P. and thoughts to his loved ones.

No. He's been in some grappling tourneys, and a couple boxing matches, but never did an mma match. He wanted to one day.

punchdrunk31 - Sorry to hear about your friend SMACDADDY, by the way who are you? Do you train with Joszeph and those guys?

My name's Jamey. I don't know a Joszeph. I own a martial arts school in a small town and pretty much stick it out there. Chris on the other hand was one of those guys that would train all the time, anywhere, with anyone. He had a passion for it.



As some of you know recently I had a extreme series of shock therapy. It lasted three weeks, three of them per week. Each time I went under I kind of hoped I wouldn't wake up. Didn't quiet work out but oh what a feeling it is going under. To me it felt like I was dying each time, but was peaceful. I hope to go that way.

That's just me.

For a guy like him, it's extremely sad. At least he didn't suffer.

just goes to show there's no such thing as routine surgery


RIP, my thoughts are with his family.

Anyone interested in arrangements can go here for more information.