she wasn't the best leader we had, but she gave people hope, at a time when we most needed it.
not a fan but she broke new ground when she became the first female president and like what elvaraco said,gave hope to millions of people.(@least shes back with hubby)
Yeah, the people power movement was epic in how it had united mostly all of the pilipino people together.
RIP to Corazon and Ninoy.
RIP. i was a kid during that era. very empowering times..
Not sure hoy I feel about her husband but RIP Cory. The only person brave enough to run for president.
1986, I was 12. A couple of my friends left the country during the revolution. My cousin's fiancee was one the 'loyalists'. Still remember he and other soldiers were unloading rifles to hide in our house a few nights before it started. My father saw me and sent me to my room.
1986 i was 8, it's still vivid in my mind because 1) i had the most epic bout of the shits, and 2) it was the longest unplanned school holiday ever.
the situation never really meant anything until I got to uni, and understood it entirely.
^yes.i remember being in 1st grade and my teacher Mrs. Norma Lubo telling us the importance of it.