RIP Sherman Pendergarst

Woke up this morning to the sad and tragic news that Sherman's long and difficult battle with cancer ended this morning. He was just 46 years old.

Sherman was known for his fights with some top names in the sport, including Shane Carwin, Tim Hague and Joey Beltran. He also was known by fans of the sport for his appearance in the UFC in 2006, where he faced Antoni Hardonk.

Outside the cage, the Militech Fighting Systems fighter was known for being a gentleman, one who never had a bad word for anyone, and often was first to look out for anyone he considered to be good. While his nickname Tank was fitting in the gym and in the cage, outside of it, he truly was a nice man in every sense.

Born in Baltimore in 1966, Pendergarst wrestled at Old Dominion University before becoming a stockbroker; a position he later gave up to take up Mixed Martial Arts full time, moving to Iowa to train with MFS.

He will forever be remembered by MMA fans as one who never said quit, even in the face of the worst adversity. Today, the community as a whole says goodbye to a good guy, but most of all thank you for representing this sport like a champion. You will never be forgotten.