Dammit! Going in for te guruma, and in driving through, my pants ripped right at seam where the "reinforcement" starts. Now I gotta play Martha Stewart for the rest of tonight to patch the damn things!
At least I nailed the te guruma for a clean ippon.
haha you are an optimist!
No, just it takes a week for new pants to get here, and I need pants for Wednesday!
damn I have been waiting for 3 weeks for my pants WTF
Where is everyone ordering their pants? I used Hatashita usually but when I go to that site lately, I get a malware warning. However, they were really quick the few times I ordered.
There's a shop in my town (I live in Japan after all), but since I live in Japan they expect everyone to be 170 cm and less than 80 kilograms. Since I'm 183 cm, 107 kg, they have to order shit for me.
I'm so glad there are local guys here who sell pants. I'd also be damn pissed off if my Keikos rip. They're solid pants.