Robin Black..."UFC Fighter"

CBC news said so. So it must be real. Saw him on the news last night.

 Noticed that too. :) I love Ultimate Fighting.

I'm movin up to Heavyweight and challenging Mir for the interim superbelts

Actually, it is ridiculous that someone would title it that way. Especially since they asked me how I would like to be described, and I said "MMA fighter from Xtreme Couture Toronto". shows how far people really are from knowing the sport.

I should have told them I wanted to be titled "Sex Machine".

MDF tm - good luck in ur ultimate ufc fight robin

Thanks man. You da man.

You should have been wearing a Tap Out shirt.

 What was the name of the MMA writer they interviewed in the bar?

I actually never saw the piece Mike. What did the guy look like?

 I think his name was Glen something. Was wondering who he wrote for.

  1. I've never seen that writer before.

    2. That is me. I'm in the Olympics. The special Olympics. The VERY special Olympics.

that has to be one of the funniest things I've seen in a while.

Robin going with the Pink & Black attack!

Figure skating. Is there any sport less manly?

Seriously, anything?

I don't see anything wrong with this:

Well played. 2 man luge. Not so manly.

jkennedy -
Robin Black - Figure skating. Is there any sport less manly?

The lead singer in a band that dresses in drag to open for itself?

This could cause Christina Avilera's vagina to travel through time.

Lion Of Zion - What could be more gay than two guys getting sweaty rolling on the floor together and trying to choke each other with their legs?

a bunch of guys watching and cheering them on!

Robin Black - I should have told them I wanted to be titled "Sex Machine".