Duck does what's right, not what's popular. His work's imprtance cannot be questioned by those of us who do bjj.
Had you been at Jonestown, you would have drunk the Kool-Aid. By the way, have you found out from Robson why he didn't put anything about Sakata on his site? You'll probably be in the book because you were the one whose thread revealed to the world that Robson got his BB from Sakata and that Sakata got his BB from Carlson Gracie (something that even Carlson wasn't aware of).
According to my writer friend, it's much, much harder to break into the business with a spec script than a novel. But if you put out a successful novel, someone will often want to make a film of it. I personally believe that if the Robson scandal alone were made into a feature film, Mel Brooks would be a better choice for director than Oliver Stone.
Ed Wood, imo.
Wood's dead. But if Brooks ever makes a film of the Robson thing, Rigan could play himself, since he's starred in previous farces:
Let nothing go. This man shall be humiliated and ostracized until he finally moves back to Brazil, grabs his old blue belt, and owns up to the fact that he is not a black belt under Sakata - or anyone for that matter.
It's been done over and over again. We know. This just becomes like Rickson threads. It's like making a thread about Shannon and Severn doing a work. We know already. Let it go....
LOL at the whole aspring writer acquaintance thing.
That post is crazy.
"He was absolutely astonished to hear that Marcos, Rigan, and Grandmaster Mansor were involved in the sordid mess. When I provided him with copious amounts of documentation, his astonishment turned to outrage. He said he's definitely going to "give this scandal the attention it deserves" by alluding to it in his book, naming names, and backing up everything with the documentation I provided him.
So if my writer friend's book manages to get published, lots of people are going to get to read about Marcos, Rigan, Grandmaster, and Robson as they sip their coffee in the local Barnes and Noble"
that's fucking classic. If I didn't know better I would assume this is a troll. However I have been following these threads so I know the dude isn't joking.
Everyone involved in this "sordid mess" must be shitting their pants. I mean who would not be worried about being "alluded to" in an aspring writers novel that he is hoping to get published. The general public will not be able to stay away from a murder mystery set against a BJJ backdrop. It's a brilliant concept. If that doesn't have mass appeal written all over it I don't know what does.
Someone call Oprah right now and gets DOD's friend on the show.
I am actually really impressed with DOD's writing skills. Anyone who can use copious, sordid, astonished and outrage in one paragraph is seriously talented.
Well done. Perhaps you should team up with this "aspring writer" acquiantance of yours. The two of you will be an unstoppable team and you won't be able to keep the publishers away.
RussT is incorrect. The six people would would read the novel would probably create such a copius ruckus of outrage and astonishment that Rigan, Mansur, and anyone else associated with the Robson debacle would be immediately demoted to white belt.
Keep up the good work Duck.
"he is not a black belt under Sakata - or anyone for that matter.:
actually he is a black belt under Marcos Santos and Rigan Michado, but let's forget about that and stick to the point. DOD is unable to verify his orignal blackbelt and that's good enough for me.
Besides, what the fuck do Rigan and Santos know. Especially when compared to an anonymous internet poster with seemingly unlimited time to dedicate to his pursuit of the truth and and a hardcore obsessive compulsive disorder. They were duped or were in on it for money and DOD can prove it. Okay, well maybe he can't actually prove it but he has a feeling that they were duped. They had to of been otherwise DOD would just be another fucked up internet dude and there's no way that's possible. You'll never convince me of that. No matter what happens.
Dod also knows some aspiring writers who are not only astounded by this scandal but are outraged as well. Shit is about to hit the fan.
Wait until the book comes out, and then the movie. Then Robson will truly pay as will Rigan and the entire Machado family, not to mention anyone else that refused to talk to DOD or blew him off when he demanded "the truth".
DOD will single handidly save BJJ and will be awarded a blackbelt for doing so. His group of white and blue belt disciples (co-saviours of BJJ) will feel good about themselves and will be able to get erections for the first time in several years. They won't know what to do with them but by God they will have them.
Unfortunately DOD won't be able to accept his belt because he would have to reveal his true identity and super heroes never do that.
That's not why he does this though. It's not so that he can feel cool about himself and get attention that he didn't get from his parents or from friends. Or because it just feels so good to have people you don't know from the internet say that you are righteous.
No, he does it because he will not stand by and allow someone to discredit BJJ. Not while he is alive. Not after he is dead.
"No, he does it because he will not stand by and allow someone to discredit BJJ."
You got that part right.
By the way, my friend is giving me a cameo role in his book as an anonymous internet personage whose identity is never learned.
"...I know the dude isn't joking."
You got that right, too.
If you think he hasn't proved it, you're dreaming.
"If you think he hasn't proved it, you're dreaming."
I must have missed the thread where it was "proven" that Rigan and Marcos were duped or that they agreed to give Robson his blackbelt in exchange for money.
My bad. What does prove mean by the way?
I think we might be thinking of a different word.
"...I know the dude isn't joking."
"You got that right, too."
DoD misses golden opportunity to show his "softer" side by admitting that RussT's post was funny.
jw (wants to see the soft underbelly of the Duck...)
i rolled with one of the "purple" belts from Rat Pack alittle over a year ago. He weighed like 200-210 and i weighted about 140ish and beat him pretty handly several times. I'm barely a blue so it's sort of funny to see him with a purple now. Robson must be doing something right.
The funny thing was he was asking me how i could teach grappling without a colored belt. He said he would rather have the piece of paper and belt over being able to hang with people. I found that quite strange.
I never want to be promoted unless I can hang with guys my belt the majority of the time.
"I must have missed the thread where it was "proven" that Rigan and Marcos were duped or that they agreed to give Robson his blackbelt in exchange for money.
My bad."
It really is not hard to draw your own conclusions from the facts and from what has been happening.
But to you, apparently, it's even easier to hold on to what you'd like to be true...