Robson Pereira BJJ

There used to be a thread by this name which mysteriously disappeared.  Pray tell, O moderators, why is this so?  Was there something politically incorrect therein?  Did some poster do a faux pas or something?

Blue Namer Please

Well, Robson supposedly did fight vale tudo back in Sao Paulo prior to coming to the States in 1995.  But did they use MMA gloves back then in Brazil?

not sure what happened to that thread


What kind of complaints were filed against Robson's school?  Was this when he was still with the Rat Pack or after he had started teaching on his own?   


While I really enjoyed that thread, mostly cause my grandfather lives like 5 minutes from the school, and I think you did great work in exposing that guy don't you think it's time to let it go?  Surely theres another conspiracy to set your sights on.

The McDojoification of bjj is a bitter pill to swallow, is it inevitable?

No offense, but your thread was probably removed b/c your crusade against this guy is pretty much old news.

Kudos to you for obsessing over this for the last year and exposing this guy, but is there anyone on this site that doesn't know by now that Robson Pereira is a fraud???

Do we really need another thread about this?

Let it go, bro. Just let it go.

Sorry I posted the pic of Nosferatu guys, it is just that this thread has lurked here forever...he is an obscure, low level talent BJJ BB from Brazil, he is profiting on being Brazilian and training in BJJ...I would too if I were him. He ain't likely to enter the Mundials but for many ppl it is a chance to train with a Brazilian BJJ guy, this is the beginning of McDojo BJJ. It is inevitable like TaeKwonDo and all the rest. Unfortunate but true...


Even if inevitably doomed in its nature, we must support DoD's quest.

Has anyone just tried calling Rigan about this?

Yes, also please what complaints were filed and where?


I wasn't addressing you, so please kindly stfu.

As long as Marcos, Rigan, and Grandmaster Mansor continue to support Robson, I'm going to keep hammering away.  I had gone as far as I could go with this thing, but when I saw that Robson and the Rat Pack had parted ways and that Robson was now on his own and claiming to be a winner of the "Brazilian Nationals," I went back into action.

This matter may also find its way into a larger arena over which meddling UG moderators have absolutely no control.

An acquaintance of mine is an aspiring writer doing research for a murder mystery set against a BJJ backdrop.  He'd heard of instances of fake BJJ BBs before and was going to work that into his plot.  He asked me to recall the the most egregious example of that sort of thing, and I obliged him by relating the Robson Pereira business.  He was absolutely astonished to hear that Marcos, Rigan, and Grandmaster Mansor were involved in the sordid mess.  When I provided him with copious amounts of documentation, his astonishment turned to outrage.  He said he's definitely going to "give this scandal the attention it deserves" by alluding to it in his book, naming names, and backing up everything with the documentation I provided him. 

So if my writer friend's book manages to get published, lots of people are going to get to read about Marcos, Rigan, Grandmaster, and Robson as they sip their coffee in the local Barnes and Noble.  I really hope his book makes it into print; nothing would make me happier than to give it lots of PR on the UG.                  

who can ask for a deletion of a thread?

Can I award myself a BB, tell I was 1st on the Rio Championship, and then just run through a couple of threads where that's questioned and ask for them to be deleted?

Sounds like you've found your true calling.

I think you should focus on Marcos, Rigan and Mansor. They must be getting some cash from Robson, no?


"So if my writer friend's book manages to get published, lots of people are going to get to read about Marcos, Rigan, Grandmaster, and Robson as they sip their coffee in the local Barnes and Noble.  I really hope his book makes it into print; nothing would make me happier than to give it lots of PR on the UG."

But what's the likelihood of finding a publisher brave enough to print such unbridled scandal???  Make it a screenplay and get it in front of Oliver Stone - probably the only guy in the world with the guts to reveal the Real Story (tm) to the general public.