Rocco HATES to Bet.....

Email me @ for mailing information...

emil sent

Up on everyone here except you....


The strippers want you in Myrtle!

Orcus, Inf0, Sandy?

In Detox?



Just think of all the poor strippers that will have to settle for 50/50 baby lax instead of peruvian pink... -lol.

They pure Columbian LLeyo is reserved for Rocco and the Headliners only...

Email sent (hendersonhankerings).

I know you will rest easier knowing that this thirty bucks will pay off a portion of this weekend's bender.

I'll send you an email tomorrow, thanks Rocco.


Uncle Panties? The other 3 have reported and are ready to be sent. You must want to carry this over to the next fight? We can do that you know? Double or nil on Serra/GSP? Or another fight?

Rocco -- The strippers there probably hate me... Taking their money from you =(

They should be happy. 1 less "comatose" state they'll be in thanks to you. But you're right......they hate you.

Yeah... let's do that.  I'm too lazy to send an email or remember my address, so double or nothing.

I'm guessing you're taking Serra, right?  Well FINE, I guess I'll settle for GSP.



Lol @ Sandy. My kinda guy. And listen to Inf0. People wantin' to drain Rocco's account!

Rocco, for significant upcoming fights:

WVR (tonight) Bang x Gomi = GOMI

UFN:  KenFlo x JLau = KenFlo

Thiago Alves x Karo = THIAGO

Aurelio x Fisher = FISHER

Din x Neer = DIN


I'll take any of those.



rocco where are you from?

perhaps the most perfect woman I have seen to this day!!!!! 

From Oh, live in SC