Rockhold: Weidman will break Belfort

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                                Rockhold: Weidman will break Belfort 
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                    <p>Luke Rockhold has a vested interest in the outcome of Chris Weidman vs. Vitor Belfort. First he would like to see Belfort lose, and hopefully it will lead to a rematch with Belfort for himself:</p>

"I think Chris beats him and of course I'm interested in the fight. I think he'll get the take down and I think he'll control him. Chris is a smart guy and he sticks to the gameplan and he's a tough wrestler. If he gets that early take down, it's a different world for Vitor. People haven't really gotten to that point. I strayed from the gameplan and I obviously got caught with some crazy stuff. I think Chris will stick to it and he will be the one to break him. And in Vegas wouldn't hurt either, a little more strict conditions."

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Luke is a smart man Phone Post 3.0

I like Rockhold but if his hands are like what they were against Vitor, then Costa's boxing will be to much! Phone Post 3.0

didnt victor break rockhold lol


Now everyone is hoping to catch a deflated Belfort off of TRT in a rematch.

GTFO with this shit.

Sounds a little butthurt not his fault vitor broke him Phone Post 3.0

rockhold is soooo overrated hes beat knowone but jacare even know i think he lost to jacare

Just let the run rampant with TRT or outlaw it completely but FUUUCK make a decision, as this generation of fighters age this is going to paint the entire sport with it's drama.

RadiO - rockhold is soooo overrated hes beat knowone but jacare even know i think he lost to jacare
Know you don't no. Phone Post 3.0

"Strict conditions" = worried about belforts TRT use and the legal levels. Phone Post 3.0

spirello - I dont like cheaters but I still prefer a cheating christian over a cocky american

^ this guy prefers potato.

Vitor Christian? Lol he's the last fighter I'd call a Christian. If you followed his career you'd know his true character. His whole Christian act is to garner the Brazilian fan base but his actions & words through the years speak more about his narsisitic characteristics more than his Christian characteristics.

Bann - Well if Saku could break Vitor then Weidnman should have no problem.

Fren, that was champion's disease Vitor. This new Holy TRT Vitor is unstoppable at mw! He will stop CW with a divinely timed left hand of god followed by a blessed barage of lightning quick punches.

Bann - Well if Saku could break Vitor then Weidnman should have no problem.
Sure, fights from that long ago are relevant.

Maybe the Jones fight would be a better comparison? Phone Post 3.0

MasterofMartialArts - 
Bann - Well if Saku could break Vitor then Weidnman should have no problem.
Sure, fights from that long ago are relevant.

Maybe the Jones fight would be a better comparison? Phone Post 3.0

People convienently like to overlook that fight.

Sure, he got submitted...but listening to how people talk, it's almost like they expect Belfort to lay down and die if he doesn't get the TKO in the 1st round.

This is a cliche about Vitor that holds no real relevance anymore.

Luke is correct

RadiO - rockhold is soooo overrated hes beat knowone but jacare even know i think he lost to jacare

beating Jacare is a pretty big win if you ask me..i honestly thought Rockhold was going to give Vitor fits in their fight but he got caught..jury is still out if Vitor can beat a wrestler that can get him down and wrestlefuck him for a round or two..

billcosbiguez -
Bann - Well if Saku could break Vitor then Weidnman should have no problem.

Fren, that was champion's disease Vitor. This new Holy TRT Vitor is unstoppable at mw! He will stop CW with a divinely timed left hand of god followed by a blessed barage of lightning quick punches.
This is correct. Phone Post 3.0

Dunno bout u guys but I got Vitor to beat Weidman. Phone Post 3.0

NatualBornTickler - Sounds a little butthurt not his fault vitor broke him Phone Post 3.0


He was nothing but respectful after the fight, and in case you hadn't noticed, 90% of the time guys choose the guy that beat them to win.