Rogan: Mendes could be as big a star as Conor

tenchu - And yet Mendes hasn't become champ after two title challenges. If he did become champ, would he have a long, dominant reign like GSP did?

And Mendes doesn't have a unique and appealing persona, like GSP did with his "gentleman" persona.

Have to disagree with Joe.

neither has JDS, but if cain magically disappeared from the division i am certain he would have beat bigfoot like cain did...and im sure he would be a favorite against werdum given he already finished him in brutal if jose wasnt there id assume pretty dominant given thats like his only losses...and the next guys on the ladder he would match up very well with.

connors the question mark because of his "meteoric rise" AKA pushing him past tough stylistic challenges in lieu of promoting big money. he can definitely be THAT guy, but a lot will be revealed tomorrow.

Could be? What's stopped him from doing it then?

Huge fan of Rogan's work, commentary and also JRE. I dont agree with everything he says and sometimes hes insanely short sighted, esp when hes got some obv bias. Say what you want about his talents but my fucking lord, personality-wise, Chad Mendes is the antithesis of a guy like Conor. Hes essentially a valley girl trapped in the body of a midget chip n dales dancer.

The only way Chad becomes marketable is if he embraces that little 13 year old bitchy tween girl we all see him as and capitalizes on it in a 'god I hate this guy and I want to see him lose' sort of way. That will never happen though because you know damn well he doesn't have that level insight into his personality or awareness and instead wakes up every morning imagining himself 6 ft tall. The way he chooses to view himself and the way the rest of the world inevitably do are in conflict. Those kinds of individuals are never able to project their strong, marketable qualities and therefore not born stars.

No, Rogan, just no.