Roll for a good cause reminder!!!

April 22 at the Rey Diogo Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy in Los Angeles.
This will be an open mat featuring several black and brown belts for everyone to roll with. This is a chance for all of us in So Cal to get together and have a great time rolling and, MORE IMPORTANTLY, raise money for an important cause.

Adam LaClair, a BJJer and all around great guy, is in a tough situation. His wife ihas recently passed away due to pancreatic cancer and he can use all of the financial support we can muster. This is one of the times in our lives when we can do something small, yet have a major effect on someone else's life.

All you have to do is show up on April 22 to roll or hang out, and make a donation of whatever you feel comfortable donating. I'm leaving the amount up to the individual, so give what you can and don't be shy if you dont think you are able to give more.

In addition to great black belts to roll with, there will also be raffles for great prizes from some of the top MMA and grappling companies out there. We are talking about quality prizes, not cheap giveaways. You will be impressed.

I hope you can make it.

When: April 22 at 11:00am

Where: Rey Diogo Brazilian Jiu jitsu academy - 8733 Venice Boulevard - Los Angeles, CA 90034

Cost: Up to you! Give until it hurts!

Why: Because it's important.



Living up in the great white north I won't be able to make it to the open mat but I'd still like to help Adam out if I could. Is there a Paypal or online contribution I can make?

Hi Kevin,

It would be great to have you down to Rey's someday! Here is the paypal address:

Paypal to






Mac Danzig has been added!

Andre - it's too late for me to get you the actual physical videos, but if you want to do up some gift certificates for the following videos I'll ship them out to the recipients asap.  Just keep track of the recipients names and email me who they are.

Guard Sweeps Vol 1: the Butterfly and X Guard

Guard Sweeps Vol 2: the Half Guard

Dynamic Kneebars

Omo Plata and the Dynamic Guard

Yoga for Martial Arts

Grappling Drills

My MMA with Denis Kang

Wish I could be there...

Will it be no gi or bjj?

Mad Tiger, it's a totally open mat, so anyone can roll gi or no gi.

Stephen, thanks! Drop me an email when you have a chance!


I'm gonna try to be there. Sounds great. ttt

There is going to be some cool gear from some great sponsors that we are going to raffle off.

nice im gonna try to make it.


Sorry to hear about Adam's wife.

I'll definatly be there to support Adam and sharpen my skills vs Andre and all the other monsters that will show up.

