rolling after AC seperation?

I seperated my shoulder a few weeks ago. Not sure if it's grade 2 or 3 but it's got the bump still sticking out.
Still some limited range of motion and pain.
Would slow rolling be okay or should I let it completely heal up?

Focus on your rehab and avoid straining the shoulder. Instead of rolling, work other grappling drills that don't require the use of your arm. Many years ago this worked great for me, and my ground game improved dramatically because of the time I spent focusing on use of legs and hips. Start by keeping your arms completely out of the picture. As the shoulder heals, slowly integrate only your good arm. As it strengthens and your have full pain-free ROM, slowly integrate the second arm into slow rolling.

Somewhere near the start of all this, get the injury checked out to be certain there are no tears. You may need some PT, and sooner is always better than later.

Good luck!
Jason Erickson

Thanks Jason. I really appreciate it.

I worked through a grade 3 a few years ago. You'll always have the bump if it is a 2 or 3 (without surgery), but I've managed to convince myself that chicks dig it.

I completely agree with Jason, above, on using the time to work on hips and legs. I was forced to do that for about a month, and it really helped with my guard retention and reclamation. I was also forced into spending some more time on cardio, which had the benefits of losing about 15 lbs. and upping my endurance.

Please have it checked out. I waited too long after my ER visit to get to a doc and into PT, and even after 3.5 years, my ROM is probably only about 80% of what it used to be.

Good luck.

At four weeks, since my injury I would say I've got about 85-90% ROM and low pain/soreness.
I'm doing rehab exercises and waiting on rollig. Have played hoop a few times and my shot has a bad hitch in it so i'm just setting picks and running around

packer53 - I worked through a grade 3 a few years ago. You'll always have the bump if it is a 2 or 3 (without surgery), but I've managed to convince myself that chicks dig it.

I completely agree with Jason, above, on using the time to work on hips and legs. I was forced to do that for about a month, and it really helped with my guard retention and reclamation. I was also forced into spending some more time on cardio, which had the benefits of losing about 15 lbs. and upping my endurance.

Please have it checked out. I waited too long after my ER visit to get to a doc and into PT, and even after 3.5 years, my ROM is probably only about 80% of what it used to be.

Good luck.

Haha...I know this is kind of an old post, but I have a BAD bump from a skateboard shoulder plant when I was young. Have no idea what grade it is/was. I think about every g/f I have ever had loves to sit there and rub it when we're watching T.V., etc. Maybe that's not a good thing as they should be rubbing something else, but they for sure dig the bump!