Romero's corner needs to be punished.

I wasn't emotionally invested in that fight, but if something isn't done in response to that it will become a "strategy" rather than the cheating bullshit that it is.

Kevin Iole @KevinI

The inspector told the corner to wipe off Romero's face which is why the delay happened

Give Romero his full pay and retain the decision. But change the fucking rules permanently. Phone Post 3.0

EddiePain420 -
Card - 

Kevin Iole @KevinI

The inspector told the corner to wipe off Romero's face which is why the delay happened

thats complete bullshit, they did that AFTER he stalled and that just gave him even more time
Exactly. That might be the sound bite they use to explain it away in the news tomorrow, but his corner straight up cheated. Phone Post 3.0

you guys ever watch boxing over the years? this isn't a new concept

Call sister steel! Phone Post 3.0

It wasn't just his corner, it was Romero himself. He refused to stand when BJM call him. He also turned his back once he got off the stool so BJM had once again to tell him to turn around so they could start.

My question. Who punishes them? Ufc or nsac? And does the corner get punished or Romero? It was definitely a cluster fck but man if it wasn't a great play that worked out for them. Phone Post 3.0