As some people saw on the Yumaslim thread that zombie started, yuma's friend posted that he regularly drops $200 on UFC parties for his friends ain't a thang.

So in honor of the Mem ground's unique relationships, a romo shop contest was born.

Rules: must create a unique romo of slim preferably of him partying in extravagance. Must post it here by Sunday 12 midnight CST (Chicago all day)

We will vote on Monday and Tuesday and at 9pm EST ( east coast love) on Tuesday night the winner will be determined by the poll.

Fightpimp said he would throw in something cool so I will too. In combination to whatever Fightpimp throws in there, I will be sending the winner this

(Signed by the card) Phone Post

To keep it fair, Romo's of the_homeboy disguised as backstage security or pulling posters off telephone poles will be accepted too. Phone Post

ok i gave it another try as i had some more time. I suck at photoshop but i think i got everything in there plus some extras. :)

That's going to be tough to beat

 for daraphan

contest prize   

For Ritchie 


for Coop

RitchieGreaser - 

ok i gave it another try as i had some more time. I suck at photoshop but i think i got everything in there plus some extras. :)


 lol Ritchie!! gotta love that Uriah metal!!!!

The PR chick admiring the Kimbo glove is what put it over the top for me

haha I am glad you guys like it. and yes i had to find the perfect thing for the pr chick to be staring at. after about a half hour of thinking the kimbo glove was a must do.

RitchieGreaser - haha I am glad you guys like it. and yes i had to find the perfect thing for the pr chick to be staring at. after about a half hour of thinking the kimbo glove was a must do.

whats it say on her shirt? cant read from smartphone.. thnx. Phone Post

arizona public relations

RitchieGreaser - arizona public relations

rotflmfao..!! I just spewed drink from mouth.. Phone Post

Ritchie, you didn't miss a beat. You got everything in there, LOL!!! Kimbo glove, the paper with the phone #, mma museum and a few extras hahahahahahahaha the little details are hilarious!

Lulz. Fucking in Phone Post

I believe someone mentioned this but I really wish there was a way to add music and have Limp Bizkit playing; I swear he has to have at least 3 of their CDs.


posted for onahigherlevel^^