Romo this shocked Ronda with eye malfunction (pic)

In Phone Post 3.0

As per tradition lol :)




FETT_Loadin76_TFK -

As per tradition lol :)




You did a great job here, brother. Rudj whom I love as much as the next guy will actually need to step his game up a little bit!

touch -
FETT_Loadin76_TFK -

As per tradition lol :)




You did a great job here, brother. Rudj whom I love as much as the next guy will actually need to step his game up a little bit!

LoL Oh we're both good, I just like giving him shit :)

I enjoy the attention.

but Honda can't get right wasn't good? lol. 

rudj -

I enjoy the attention.

but Honda can't get right wasn't good? lol. 

Please accept my deepest apologies and revive this thread with the good shit!

BullyKiller - 

This is why we don't see many fighters here anymore.

waaaa so what?

first of all, ronda has made a career of acting like a douche and treating people poorly.

so dont be surprised if people start doing the same in return

second, if fighters dont come here so what?  Go to their facebook page, their twitter, their instagram...whats the big deal?

Not to mention the fact that there is no more disrespect and trash talking to personal accounts than on twitter and we dont see fighters vacating their profiles.  

truth is fighters didnt stop coming here because of the shit they take from time to time. They stopped coming here because they just dont need to in order to reach their fanbase anymore thanks to the domination of social media. 

wipe those tears away. its gonna be ok

BigEyedFish -
BullyKiller - 

This is why we don't see many fighters here anymore.

waaaa so what?

first of all, ronda has made a career of acting like a douche and treating people poorly.

so dont be surprised if people start doing the same in return

second, if fighters dont come here so what?  Go to their facebook page, their twitter, their instagram...whats the big deal?

Not to mention the fact that there is no more disrespect and trash talking to personal accounts than on twitter and we dont see fighters vacating their profiles.  

truth is fighters didnt stop coming here because of the shit they take from time to time. They stopped coming here because they just dont need to in order to reach their fanbase anymore thanks to the domination of social media. 

wipe those tears away. its gonna be ok

LoL I don't know why people think that we only romo the fighters we don't like. GSP is by far, hands down my favorite fighter and I have romo'ed the fuuuuuuck outta him







lol @ werdum ^ thats great 

moar Empty Emp!! please

Its gonna take me a few days to get this feeling out my system. Love this guy

Winndaddy -
Tigerbythetail - I'ld love to watch Ronda bitch slap the piss out of you. She's a 6 time UFC Champion, These so called women's Champs are one and done. Ronda will return soon and regain her Title. Simply the VERY BEST!!! Phone Post 3.0

Shut your fucking face nerd!

Nerd?? Talk is shit, U R just a wantabe, I'ld enjoy the hell out of watching snap your arm like a twig!! Then I'ld pick your pathetic ass up and send you to bed without supper!! No One alive would or could call me anything and get away with it, especially someone like you, a bottom feeder!! Phone Post 3.0

Tigerbythetail -
Winndaddy -
Tigerbythetail - I'ld love to watch Ronda bitch slap the piss out of you. She's a 6 time UFC Champion, These so called women's Champs are one and done. Ronda will return soon and regain her Title. Simply the VERY BEST!!! Phone Post 3.0

Shut your fucking face nerd!

Nerd?? Talk is shit, U R just a wantabe, I'ld enjoy the hell out of watching snap your arm like a twig!! Then I'ld pick your pathetic ass up and send you to bed without supper!! No One alive would or could call me anything and get away with it, especially someone like you, a bottom feeder!! Phone Post 3.0
LOL @ this hilarious dude. Is he serious? Phone Post 3.0

Romo threads are for love Phone Post 3.0

Tigerbythetail -
Winndaddy -
Tigerbythetail - I'ld love to watch Ronda bitch slap the piss out of you. She's a 6 time UFC Champion, These so called women's Champs are one and done. Ronda will return soon and regain her Title. Simply the VERY BEST!!! Phone Post 3.0

Shut your fucking face nerd!

Nerd?? Talk is shit, U R just a wantabe, I'ld enjoy the hell out of watching snap your arm like a twig!! Then I'ld pick your pathetic ass up and send you to bed without supper!! No One alive would or could call me anything and get away with it, especially someone like you, a bottom feeder!! Phone Post 3.0
Look out!!!

We've got a badass right here!!! Phone Post 3.0

rudj -

Its gonna take me a few days to get this feeling out my system. Love this guy

I remember this gif/clip. Who's the chick? I'd imagine Baroni's had a few Phone Post 3.0

rudj -

For Empty Emp

There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening. The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence. Phone Post 3.0