Ronda's Corner Gambling Question

I don't think its relevant in this case, Rhonda wouldn't take any amount of money in the world to throw this fight and her corner wouldn't either.

But as FatBuddha says, the corner are financially invested in the fight so they might be less inclined to throw in the towel and save their fighter. And it defintely shouldnt be managed case by case, so I'm gonna go with should be illegal.

It should most definitely be illegal

I'm actually surprised that dfw has not chimed in on this and I think he should.

Yet another reason why mma unfortunately still pales in comparison to MLB NHL PGA NBA NFL ect; in terms of professionalism Phone Post 3.0

I know Gokor bet a lot of money on Gamburyan to win the TUF finale. Phone Post 3.0

1hitwonder - What about fighter safety, it has already been mentioned about a corner throwing in the towel. What if a corner has a large sum placed on their fighter and the fighter is in danger of getting hurt and under normal circumstances the corner would throw in the towel but since their money is on the line they hesitate and risk further injury to their fighter? Should fighter safety play a role in this?

That's a really good point. Its just unprofessional any way you look at it.

just want to point out that throwing in the towel is actually against the rules.

elburrogrande - just want to point out that throwing in the towel is actually against the rules.

Depends on the commission.

But it is almost always acceptable for a corner to signal to the ref. to end the fight.

I remember Ricco made a lot of money betting on himself.

I get the point being made that it can affect peoples decisions. For instance would BJ's corner have still stopped the fight in the second GSP fight if they had 20k riding on him? Would BJ have allowed them if it was his own money? Probably yes to both answers but you never know, and there's a lot of desperate fighters out there that don't have money to lose that could bet on themselves.

But at the end of the day it'd be very hard to enforce, and the commissions already suck at the few things they do, it'd be bad to add another issue on their plate that is so easy to get around.

ProctorMMA - Edmond's money from Sesame Street allows him to do these types of things, as long as he's not betting on her to lose it's alright.
Lmao! Vu Phone Post 3.0

elburrogrande - just want to point out that throwing in the towel is actually against the rules.
I think that's the point of it. Towel comes in so they have to stop the fight. At that point, I don't think your corner cares how your loss is labeled. Once you lose, what does it matter if it says DQ or TKO, it's really all the same. Phone Post

it's all publicity and to get in Meishas head, they probably didn't even gamble on her

if rose betting on his team to win is illegal so should this

Thanks for all the opinions.

Thanks for all the opinions.

Double post