Rory MacDonald - Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Photos here ---->!/post/37342781235/let-sleeping-dogs-lie-usually-i-am-not-one-to

“Let sleeping dogs lie”

Usually, I am not one to recycle words but in this case it seems to fit perfectly. Why would any man choose to disturb a sleeping beast? Could the reason be driven by pride, ego or for the search of validation? Questions that i would love to ask an eager Bj Penn. I haven’t jumped on the Rory MacDonald band wagon but I am definitely running beside it. He is a quiet, simple and a gentle man until his strength is challenged. His dedication towards his success is something that is hard to match. His docile presence is maturing like his career. Another talent that Rory MacDonald possesses is the ability to make the impossible look effortless. You don’t need to know his whole story. From the beginning to the present, the long or short story doesn’t really matter. Any way we look at it, the conclusion is always visible when he fights in the octagon. Humble beginnings provided him with the essentials of life, family, respect and protection. Becoming an independent man early in his adolescence to sacrificing immense amounts to create a career in the UFC. Tiny pieces that add up to an extraordinary human being and super athlete that is Rory MacDonald. Watching his talent is a luxury because his integrity makes him a credible fighter. He does not command respect but receives it in generous amounts. With my pen in my hand I am safe from the approaching caged hurricane that is MacDonald and Penn. My only advice to Bj Penn is “Let sleeping dogs lie”.


Marieanne Ricci (Chill Dog)


Jesse Bell (Chill Dog)

Cool story sis

I'm going to wake up my dog right now.

Wait, who's dog is sleeping?

Ha ha Rory gets dropped and rocked easily in his fights.

my puppy barks in his sleep. soooooo cute!!!!

Is this bird related to Mike Ricci......??

Lazy fucking dog IMO.

Rory should be the one to let sleeping dogs lie. Bj was retired when Rory called him out. A retired fighter is the definition of a sleeping dog. Phone Post

Thanks, I just kicked my dog Hella hard in his sleep. You're thread has inspired me! Phone Post

that was perhaps the dumbest post ever

NJstileNJ - that was perhaps the dumbest post ever


This. And considering that the link provided covers both Mike Ricci and Rory, it's safe to bet this bird is in fact related. But holy shit lol at "Let sleeping dogs lie". I thought Wittmanisms were bad, this is just dog shit, no pun intended.


ipswichross - Is this bird related to Mike Ricci......??


Gnarly219 - 
NJstileNJ - that was perhaps the dumbest post ever


This. And considering that the link provided covers both Mike Ricci and Rory, it's safe to bet this bird is in fact related. But holy shit lol at "Let sleeping dogs lie". I thought Wittmanisms were bad, this is just dog shit, no pun intended.


Yea, and the other, nearly identical, post about Ricci is just as terrible. Basically spam, so bizarre and poorly written that I had to give them a page view just to see the scene of the crime.