Rosenthal here

Thanks for all the support and kind words, i truly appreciate it. As far as the "last Round" comment, my paper work for the fight said 3 rounds, My bad. Funny though when Dan told me 3 more rounds.
It was an true honor to officiate over true legends of our sport. They both showed how great their hearts are.
Thank you

Great work in that fight, Josh, especially with not stopping it in the last round, er, I mean round 3 when Shogun got hurt badly.  Haha, that was truly an awesome moment when Dan looked at you and held up three fingers.   

 You did a great job in the fight...Many other refs would have stopped that fight, and although an argument could be made that it would help maintain the health of the competitors in the would have prevented all of us fans from seeing one of the greatest wars MMA has ever produced.

My hat is off to you for keeping calm while reffing a fight like that, and for allowing it to play out all the way to its conclusion.

 Great job in the Shogun/Hendo fight for not stopping.

You got yourself a fan.

Good job Josh. You're the best ref out there right now keep it up Phone Post

I envy you. You had the best seat that night. Keep up the good work. Phone Post

Great job last night sir, as well as the Brock/Carwin fight. I feel that one sometimes gets overlooked as a good nonstoppage Phone Post

You displayed good judgement in that fight.

I couldnt help but smirk however, when you were warning Shogun about fingers in the cage and he looked at you puzzled.

Ever think about learning some key terms in portuguese?

good shit Josh

Thank you! Great job, keep it going Phone Post

What a cool job you have. You do it well.

I like my referees invisible.

Good shit, man. Phone Post

Great reffing Josh!

Sweet Daddy Bear - Keep up the good work. You and Herb Dean exemplify what refereeing should look like.

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 big thanks to u Josh! Keep up the great work!

Amazing job last night, as usual.

Your reffing skills are really coming together and you are doing a great job. Thanks for doing a good job. Every fighter appreciates a good ref. If only we could get some good judges!

Great job Josh. Youve definitely become one of, if not the best, in the biz. Phone Post

 how close were you from stopping it in the 3rd for Hendo or in the 5th for Rua?

Malvert the Janitor - I like my referees invisible.

Good shit, man. Phone Post

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