Roy Harris European BJJ Summer Camp 2008
August 01, 2008 till August 03, 2008 in Obertshausen
August 01, 2008 till August 03, 2008 in Obertshausen
The Roy Harris European BJJ Summer Camp will take place from Friday, August 01, 2008 till Sunday, August 03, 2008 in the Fighter-Fitness Academy in Obertshausen, Germany.
There will be nine hours of regular instruction with 4th degree BJJ Blackbelt Roy Harris, an open mat for all attenders and at Saturday night a barbecue to chill and relax from the hard training.
The whole weekend has just one purpose: BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU. You will get worldclass teaching from one of the best BJJ teachers on the planet. The open mat after the regular classes will help you to get even more experience and understanding of BJJ and it will also free your mind from the intense instruction.:-)
Roy Harris will teach the same topic as at his US summercamp in San Diego:
Straight and bent armlocks and as you may know Roy loves armlocks, especially the bent armlocks (actually he can do them from nearly every position:-).
He will show entries, control and how to finish these techniques and after three days of training your ability to armlock people will be on a whole new level.
Fighter-Fitness Akademie
Steinheimer Strasse 40
63179 Obertshausen
Obertshausen very close to Rhein Main Airport or Frankfurt / Main railway station. You can reach Obertshausen within 20-30 minutes from both places with S-Bahn or bus
Time / Date:
Friday, August 01, 2008:
06.00 pm till 9.00 pm training with Roy Harris
Saturday, August 02, 2008
11.00 am till 2.00 pm training with Roy Harris
02.00 pm till 4.00 pm Open Mat
07.00 pm till Open End, Barbecue with all participants*
Sunday, August.03, 2008
11.00 am till 2.00 training with Roy Harris
02.00 pm till 4.00 pm Open Mat
Straight and bent armlocks: entries, cotnrol and finishes
160 Euro if you register till July 18, 2008
185 Euro if you regsiter after July 18, 2008
Roy C. Harris 4th degree Blackbelt Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Joe Moreira. Roy is recognized as one of the most technical BJJ instructors worldwide and taught hundreds of seminars
You can download the summer camp application here:
More informations:
You can find more informations at our website or e-mail us at:
*there are no additional costs for the Barbecue. Food and drinks are included in the seminar price.