Royce On Rogan







will review. wonder if Royce will try to give his same-answer interview about the old days, as usual. no disrespect intended, just observation mixed with curiosity.

When people stop asking I’m sure he will stop answering and make you happy!

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im not hating, dont paint it like that. he has a habit of giving the same answers to all questions about the old days. formulaic replies that ignore any subtleties in the questions.

I love Royce, I want to see him fight other legends like Sakuraba, Ken Shamrock, Carlos Newton

ha Dont Hold your breath

I listened to this the other day. Good interview. He sounded very humble compared to some of his interviews I remember from the past.

I was surprised to hear him say he never had a real fight before UFC 1. That’s crazy that he just came in like that and did what he did without making any mistakes. Back then the Gracies seemed invincible. Looking back, you realize it could have easily ended very badly for him.

I also like the idea of bringing back real fights with no rounds and the idea on smaller guys fighting bigger guys as long as there is no time limit.


Gracie family are fantastic business people. I wish Jiujitsu of the past was still popular.



Full ^

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Might be annoying as a fan but not nearly as annoying as hearing the same questions about the same things for 30 years.

Most athletes get tired of repetitive media pretty quick and if someone thinks they’re clever with subtleties they probably really aren’t 9/10 times.

But I get what you’re saying.

Helio and Rorion had come in for Relsons new dojo and Helio treated us like his grandsons, all beaming with pride. Rorion came and greeted all of us personally, shaking our hands.

Then Royce came in, with a my shit don’t stink look and didn’t bother talking to us or shaking our hands.

Fuck Royce.

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Royce and Rorion were always really good to me

Why wasn’t Relson considered for UFC 1? Too old?