Rumor: CM Punk Announcement coming soon

Been hearing a lot of talk that an announcement on CM Punks future is near, I have heard 2 rumors. One is that UFC will be announcing that CM Punk will Co-main event UFC 200.

But the strongest rumor I have been hearing is that CM Punks shoulder injury is more serious then some thought, and that this may delay his debut up to another 12-18 months due to surgery.

Not sure on the timeframe of the update but may come around Aldo-McGregor weekend. Phone Post 3.0

My bookie told me the same thing Phone Post 3.0

That would be kinda weird having him co-main for such a big card. I feel like it would make sense for him to be the 3rd or 4th fight away from main event.

How weird would that be to see an amateur level fight right before mcgregor/Aldo ? Phone Post 3.0

"He could be main eventing the biggest card in recent memory or he could be hurt and will never fight in the UFC."

Cool. Phone Post 3.0

SurgicalGloves - "He could be main eventing the biggest card in recent memory or he could be hurt and will never fight in the UFC."

Cool. Phone Post 3.0
Lol. Phone Post 3.0

He's retiring .

No disrespect to Punk's skills but he's not UFC 200 co-main event worthy. Phone Post 3.0

No way he's co-maining UFC 200.

I can definitly see him on the card, but not in the co-main.

I hope he fights

to be honest no UFC fighter will be the co-main if they are not in a title fight. he's one of the 3 fights on the main card if he does fight and will break the ufc ppv record with holm/ronda 2

Not a fan of wrasslin' but respect Brock, Lashley and that ilk for throwing down when they could just stay home and count their money.
That said, i've never really gotten a vibe that this Punk guy intends to fight. It just all seems really phoney. Phone Post 3.0

That would be dumb to have punk co main UFC 200 esp if he were to get knocked out cold Phone Post 3.0

ArmourHotdog - My bookie told me the same thing Phone Post 3.0
Sorry for getting real, but has anybody seen lupo lately? Phone Post 3.0

When he signed with the ufc I made a thread saying he would join a major camp to get them notoriety and never fight. Still think that's what happens Phone Post 3.0

My friend's bookie has a friend who once trained tae kwon do with a guy who used this other bookie once. I haven't heard anything, though. Phone Post 3.0


He's retiring. Phone Post 3.0

Whoever is Punks mma debut opponent will be more legitimate than fedors tune up opponent

WhereIsGoranReljic - He's retiring .
Well, at least he's undefeated. Phone Post 3.0

Make him open the PPV. Doesn't matter if the WWE fanboys then turn off, they've already paid their money.