Ryan Hall v Gray Maynard...

Huge test for Ryan. Maynard is very dangerous but hasnt looked great for a few years. Still, I can see Hall getting wacked if he tries a goofy flicky head kick. Phone Post 3.0

Great match up very intriguing Phone Post 3.0

Ryan Hall all day. Phone Post 3.0

very interesting match

everyone knows what to expect

Hall trying to get the takedown

Gray sprawling and brawling

Could be tough for Ryan, Maynard's chin is gone but Ryan isnt one to really test it.

maynards chin is dead weight but im sure he can still sprawl which makes this semi intriguing 

It's crazy to think that Maynard was one of the baddest dudes in the company at one point. Big fan of hall but I would like to see gray get a win and retire on a high note Phone Post 3.0

stcpm02 - It's crazy to think that Maynard was one of the baddest dudes in the company at one point. Big fan of hall but I would like to see gray get a win and retire on a high note Phone Post 3.0
My thoughts exactly. One of my favorite fighters I was actually really sad when he lost to Franky the Third fight then a KO by Nate then a downward spiral. I think he recently gotta win? Phone Post 3.0

So pumped for this fight, extremely interesting match up.