Ryan Hall x Alexandro Ceconi

An incredibly beautiful display of how to beat smaller weaker opponents and never let them utilize their guard.

Masterfully done Alexandro. Props.

Ceconi is a machine! I drew him first round of 2009 Worlds Absolute...... he mashed me just as bad.

"..how to beat smaller weaker opponents"

haha...there are always threads about how to beat bigger guys. never thought somebody would say how amazing it is to do the opposite

Ceconi is a beast

That guy came to the ibjjf Houston and just spanked everybody's bottoms. I can't see the video on my phone but I'm assuming that's what this video is from. Phone Post

I love his "old school" style of jiu jitsu.

Yup. Old school guard passes and everything. Reminds me of Mario Sperry and Fabiola Gurgel. Phone Post

Definitely very impressive.

I drew him in 1st round of Absolute last years Mundials. I didn't know who he was. Also got smashed.
Karl Pravec

emotion #13 - An incredibly beautiful display of how to beat smaller weaker opponents

lol I know it wasn't sarcastic, but this sounds so scathing.

Lord Kancho - 
emotion #13 - An incredibly beautiful display of how to beat smaller weaker opponents

lol I know it wasn't sarcastic, but this sounds so scathing.
LOL..sorry man! us big guys have to get a dig in every once in awhile. It's payback for all those fucking triangles we get caught in =)


nice vid. it's nice seeing old school smashing prevail against all of the cute inverted stuff that the kids do these days.

I knew he was the real deal when he passed romulo's guard at the ad pro Last year. Never seen anyone other than Roger do that.

This guy can for sure charge $210 for every month to train with him.

lol @ margarida.

vegard - lol @ margarida.

I do not know if Ryan's upside down guard works well with a gi on. Alexandro seemed to just grab his pants, pinch his legs together, and pass. Seems to only work well with no gi.