Sakakibara @ BTT

Sakakibara at BTT
Photos by Marcelo Alonso
March 19th ,2007, Pride president Nobuyuki Sakakibara visited Rio de Janero, Brazil to check out some of Brazil Top Team's athletes. Sakakibara observed the training of BTT professionals, which included the presence of MMA stars Ricardo Arona, Rogério Minotouro, Junior Buscapé, Zé Mário Sperry, Milton Vieira, Jefferson Tank, Ana Maria and Edson Draggo. Below are some of the best moments of Sakakibara's visit. While he was there he also had a chance to check out the new Hayabusa PRO MMA gloves.

Zé Mário Sperry with Nobuyuki Sakakibara

Sakakibara trying on the Hayabusa PRO MMA gloves

Zé Mário Sperry doing the manopla blow with the boxer Edson Draggo

Pride FC fighter Edson Draggo

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he was there to reassure the btt fighters that he would not be selling pride to the ufc a mere 2 months later.

i wonder if he made a stop at "help"?

what happened to him after pride?

he's not even in charge of Dream