Sakuraba's Laughter 7


Saku rules

Yves---same here

ttt for those cool shorts!


this is great, but bring in Igor V. and call it "Laughter and Pain 7". vodka and sake after class.

Cool. TTT


God < Saku glad I got got to witness his reign as it happened. MMA's biggest star IMO.

TTT for any thread containing a Robby Park highlight, btw

 I will never forget the heartache I felt when Elvis hit Sakuraba with the knees in Pride 25 and dropped Sakuraba.  He was beating his ass up until that point. 

When I see the clip of him coming into the ring with the pro wrestling mask prior to fighting Royce in the Pride GP, I get goosebumps as the aftermatch that followed is legend all it's own. 




HardHittingHeeb - Kon- You need to join and do a play-by-play like you did of Garcia's. At 1:15 pm Sensei Sakuraba shows up. He's 15 minutes late, reeks of alcohol and cigarettes, and wanders onto the mat. He collapses into a corner and sleeps for the next hour. By 2:15 100 people have shown up. Apparently it is a given that his 1:00 class starts an hour and a half late and most people have actually marked their adacemy schedules to indicate this. Now it is time for warmups. Sakuraba has us play leapfrog, tag, and "hide and go seek". Sensei was found hiding in the Saki bar downstairs and then dragged back upstairs to begin the technique portion of the class. He teaches how to block punches by playing paddy-cake, how to incorporate double-dutch footwork, and the somersault to single leg takedown. At this point Eiko shows up with Maury Povitch, a baby, and Wataru Sakata. Maury announces that Sakuraba is "not the father". Sakata and Eiko are devestated that their baby is only of human stock and throw him out the window. Willing to try again, Sakuraba takes Eiko into a bathroom stall, and goes to town. Unfortunately he finishes up inside a non-vaginal-orifice and will have to sex her up again some other time. Crafy ninja.



Sak has always been my favourite fighter.

TTT for Sak!!!!

 can someone give me directions in how to get to Laughter 7?


I was doubting the name Laughter 7, but after seeing him with a face drawn on his chest at weigh-ins it seems more than fitting.

TTT 4 Saku