Sakuraba's Laughter 7

Who's joining with me :)



Sakuraba Opens Dojo
Submitted by:Shu Hirata
Posted on : 3/24/2008

'LAUGHTER 7 – Saku's New Dojo'

Kazushi Sakura, after twelve years of a glorious career, finally made his own dojo in Tokyo. Its called "Laughter 7" and the gym will be officially open to the public as of April 1st. Former national wrestling champion at 97 kg division, Kazuhiro Hamanaka, along with Cage Force veteran Wataru Takahashi, and DEEP Future King tournament champ (82 kg & Under) are the coaching staff gathered at the new home base of Japan's MMA star who once took the world by storm as "The Gracie Hunter".

At the dojo opening ceremony held on March 24th, Sakuraba talked about his dojo in public, "For anyone, laughing would make everything more happy. Even during gruesome training, laughter can push it through. That is the meaning. (Of the dojo name) And 7 is, you know, lucky seven." At Laughter 7 the majority of classes offered to the public are mainly MMA classes. Sakuraba is thinking about raising the next star and at the same time hoping to raise the bar of Japanese MMA. Sakuraba also talked about his vision, "Instead of fighting with just physical strength, I want to raise a fighter who is clever by sly. That type of a fighter, with a well-balanced sense, could double or triple his ability. I want to raise fighters like that."



^ none of them are laughing

but good for him - that sounds cool

I totally want those "39" shorts he's wearing.

its about time.

saku is such a badass, too bad the newbs never got to see how great he was....instead we get to see some guy that was on tuf...

TTT for Sak

anunaki has hit the correct.

lol at forrestfan.

That's true, you would think they should be at least smiling.

For such a weird team name, I think its AWESOME.


Pride, Dream, Laughter...

LoL, I love it.


I wil ltrain there someday, guaranteed. That guy has been my hero for 8 years

I want one of those shirts! Damn my lack of Japanese language skills!


You need to join and do a play-by-play like you did of Garcia's.

At 1:15 pm Sensei Sakuraba shows up. He's 15 minutes late, reeks of alcohol and cigarettes, and wanders onto the mat. He collapses into a corner and sleeps for the next hour. By 2:15 100 people have shown up. Apparently it is a given that his 1:00 class starts an hour and a half late and most people have actually marked their adacemy schedules to indicate this.

Now it is time for warmups. Sakuraba has us play leapfrog, tag, and "hide and go seek". Sensei was found hiding in the Saki bar downstairs and then dragged back upstairs to begin the technique portion of the class. He teaches how to block punches by playing paddy-cake, how to incorporate double-dutch footwork, and the somersault to single leg takedown.

At this point Eiko shows up with Maury Povitch, a baby, and Wataru Sakata. Maury announces that Sakuraba is "not the father". Sakata and Eiko are devestated that their baby is only of human stock and throw him out the window. Willing to try again, Sakuraba takes Eiko into a bathroom stall, and goes to town.

Unfortunately he finishes up inside a non-vaginal-orifice and will have to sex her up again some other time. Crafy ninja.


HHH- Thats how I imagine one of his classes will be like too.

I would love to visit.