Sam Peter = Courage Tshabalala

these two are mirror images of one another, slow, easy to hit, ponderous, clubbing somewhat heavy handed, but not the snapping one punch k.o. power advertised. you can see that the duvas are trying not to make the same mistake with peter by not putting him in with a real banger like they did with tshabalala when they put him in with scott, wilson & maskeiev almost back to back...someone on the forum made a comparison of peter to ike ibeabuchi LMFAO!!!

You said Shufford was horrible on another thread gator.
Going as far as to even say he fights "like a pussy".

Which one is it?

Frankly, I didn't believe your boy Peter fought with a whole lot of fire either gator.

GATOR COCK get your facts straight, tshabalala had an extensive amature backround he had 78 fights to be exact, although he might be flabby now back when the DUVA'S were shouting he was the next best thing in the late 90's he was heavily muscled when he was in his mid 20's. peter is to easy to hit to slow and that will be exposed as soon as the duva crooks have milked the "next big power puncher" rep and have to put him in with someone who can bang sorry just haveing heavy hands doesn't get you by the top ten heavys even in this mediocre era and who has tested peters chin?? shufford? no gator cock he only played a power puncher in a movie he really is not a puncher lmfao geez somtimes i think the more you post the dumber you get.

"and ahad overrated poer"

I can't even begin...

fu kthha tshitm an

what do you mean peter can't be hurt?? who has he fought?? samuel tshabalala (i mean peter) will soon be exposed as the slow lumbering plodding slightly overweight fighter that he is.

U4EA is an idiot, at least gator is somewhat entertaining

Gator is an idiot. It has been scientifically proven.

I apoligised on the other thread BTW.