San Jose Ticket Info

UFC: Henderson vs. Melendez takes place Saturday, April 20th at the HP Pavilion in San Jose.

Fight Club - Wednesday, February 13 at 10 am pt

Newsletter - Thursday, February 14 at 10 am pt

Public - Friday, February 15 at 10 am pt

Tickets priced at $50, $75, $100, $150 and $250.

Henderson vs. Melendez

Mir vs. Cormier

Diaz vs. Thomson

Hardy vs. Brown


Can't wait. Wish more match ups would be released already! Phone Post

We should be releasing some more match-ups tomorrow.

Awesome. April 20th feels like forever from now. Phone Post

any idea where the $100 seats will be? section etc


endochokedme - any idea where the $100 seats will be? section etc


Sections - 104, 106, 107, 109, 110, 112, 118, 120, 121, 123, 124, 126.

Awesome free card, love what the ufc is doing these days

Saucy, I'm looking at the 150$ tix. U know sections for those? Phone Post

Awesome thanks! Phone Post

UGCTT_warjimmiller - 

Saucy, I'm looking at the 150$ tix. U know sections for those? Phone Post

113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 127, 128, 101, 102, 103.

Top rows of the middle sectons.

thanks saucy

Awesome, thanks for the info. Can't wait to get my tickets! Phone Post

Thanks for the info. This will be my first UFC! Phone Post

. Phone Post

saucy, can you folks please stop putting together such amazing cards, you are going to force me to get a 2nd job in order to feed my MMA addiction.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Thanks bro for the tix info VTFU, i'm also looking at the $100 Tickets.

I'm gonna get the 50 dollar tickets cause I'm broke. Anyone been to a fight there? Good place to watch a fight or will I need binoculars? Phone Post

dbeedy - I'm gonna get the 50 dollar tickets cause I'm broke. Anyone been to a fight there? Good place to watch a fight or will I need binoculars? Phone Post

Growing up I always thought it was big but looking at other arenas on TV compared to it, its pretty small. Not a bad seat in the house. Phone Post

Enough people for a UG section??? :) Phone Post