San Jose Ticket Info

Probably getting tickets for this one. Decent card.

Password for Thursday pre-sale is FIGHT.

Saucy you are awesome. Gonna fly out for this. But that should be the password for Thursday pre sale right?

saucylv33 - Password for Friday pre-sale is FIGHT.

But isn't it public on Friday? Phone Post

damnyouwoman14 - Think it'll sell that fast??

These tickets will sell fast. A lot of the fighters are local and without Strikeforce the San Francisci Bay Area is starved for MMA. Phone Post

damnyouwoman14 - 
saucylv33 - Password for Friday pre-sale is FIGHT.

But isn't it public on Friday? Phone Post

OOPS, yes, I meant Thursday!

for people considering flying in. southwest has a sale on flights through tomorrow (2/7) $49 for under 500 miles. i just booked my ticket from vegas for under a hundo.

With the elite package do you get to choose the 2 ppv events or does the UFC choose for you? Phone Post

You get two codes for UFC.TV that can be used on any PPV/numbered event.

saucylv33 - You get two codes for UFC.TV that can be used on any PPV/numbered event.

Saucy u are awesome.

Thanks. Doing that tonight. Phone Post

Is the majority of this card done or are we still waiting on one more main card match up? Rockhold or Le maybe? Phone Post

Thinking on making a day trip. Fly to San Jose, catch the fights and after party's, then fly back at 6 am. Phone Post

Looking like I may make the trip for this. Phone Post

As an experienced attendee of HP Pavilion MMA shows, I recommend either going big or going small. If you are going to spend $100, you may as well save $50 and buy $50 tickets. You're just going to watch on the big screen anyway.

That's what I will be doing anyway. RIP Strikeforce prices :( I used to pay $110 to get floor seats to watch Diaz fight...

Would it be worth spending $220 on a plane ticket just to buy a $50 ticket, or should I just start digging my hole deeper now and get a better UFC ticket? Phone Post

Lorenz Larkin vs. Francis Carmont

saucylv33 - Lorenz Larkin vs. Francis Carmont

Nice addition. We will see where lorenz' wrestling is at Phone Post

HolyHackZack - 

Would it be worth spending $220 on a plane ticket just to buy a $50 ticket, or should I just start digging my hole deeper now and get a better UFC ticket? Phone Post

Go all the way brah.

There is a $75 lower level ticket.

stevekt -
HolyHackZack -  Would it be worth spending $220 on a plane ticket just to buy a $50 ticket, or should I just start digging my hole deeper now and get a better UFC ticket? Phone Post

Go all the way brah.


The $50 tickets are above cloud level, so he won't get rained on. Phone Post