Saw Fedor Fights, he was exposed! (plz read)

Not sure if you guys have heard of this guy, but his name is Fedor Emelianenko. My friend just let me borrow 2 Dvd’s

Pride 21 – Demolition vs Semmy Schilt

Pride 23- Championship Chaos 2 vs Heath Herring

And while he won both fights he WAS EXPOSED! Now I’m new to MMA, so I don’t know how good this guy will be, but I doubt he will ever become great. He was exposed in both these fights and my friend told me in the next dvd he is going to let me borrow he will win, but he will be exposed again.

Lol this guy sucks. He probably won’t amount to anything and will be lucky if he wins more than 4 fights in a row.

I mean, he’s probably going to be like another fighter whose early career I watched in old tapes named Cassius Clay.

He won his fights, but he was EXPOSED. I know he was going to get beat and not amount to anything. So I stopped following him. I don’t know what happened to him, but I don’t care.

He was exposed a lot. And Exposed fighters are never good. Just like this guy Fedor.

I’m telling you, he was exposed!

 hey jack, i don't know if you've heard but fedor is the greatest p4p fighter ever!  how red is your face?!

occmsrazr -  hey jack, i don't know if you've heard but fedor is the greatest p4p fighter ever!  how red is your face?!

I hope to god that you actually recognized the blatant sarcasm of the OP.

occmsrazr -  hey jack, i don't know if you've heard but fedor is the greatest p4p fighter ever!  how red is your face?!

KKM takes the bait

i think this fedor guy wouldn't have made it in the UFC.

he was smart taking chris lebens advice and staying in japan where the competition was easier.

I agree with the OP. I just saw a recent fight where some guy called Randyman (or something)threw Fodor on his head in a kinda jumping backwards parkour move.Fodor eventually won the fight somehow. I couldn't see what he did. They were doing all this gay stuff on the ground, it was all really confusing.

Point is, Fodor was totally exposed in this fight. Does anyone know if he ever fought again? I seriously doubt it.

Lucky for him he never had to fight that CroClaps guy from Prague (or where ever). CroClaps would have knocked him out with that right low kick he always does.

I heard he was going to fight in the UFC but wanted it written in his contract that he didn't have to fight Tim Silva???

That's right. He didn't want to fight Tim Silva. In fact he didn't want to fight ANY of the Lion's Den guys. Especially not Zuluzinhooho.

scarfacedave - I heard he was going to fight in the UFC but wanted it written in his contract that he didn't have to fight Tim Silva???

 That was a huge rumor and obviously, judging by him already fighting Syliva, that wasn't the case. There was also a rumor that he refused to fight Bob Sapp...

Fedor's a punk ass bitch.

That short fat russian guy who got ko'd in like 10 seconds by PF Chang?

screwuguys - 

Pride 23- Championship Chaos 2 vs Heath Herring

One of my all time favorite fights.  I was (and still am) a pretty big Heath Herring fan and I was mortified for the first 8 minutes of that fight.  Jumped for joy the next 2, and then I was actually glad the ref's stopped after the first round when I saw some of the slowmo replays of Fedor's gnp.  Just brutal.  That mean Russian beat up my man!  LOL.

Brigham - 
scarfacedave - I heard he was going to fight in the UFC but wanted it written in his contract that he didn't have to fight Tim Silva???

 That was a huge rumor and obviously, judging by him already fighting Syliva, that wasn't the case. There was also a rumor that he refused to fight Bob Sapp...

 that one was ober your head apparently

Non N00B - 
occmsrazr -  hey jack, i don't know if you've heard but fedor is the greatest p4p fighter ever!  how red is your face?!

KKM takes the bait

 seems more like he was playing along

Poor attempt at humor.

I forgot about the Sylvia rumour gem

My friend let me borrow another DVD. I just finished watching Pride 32 - The Real deal where he fought against some guy named Marc Coleman who I think is a Jewjitsu expert.

Anyways, I'm surprised this guy is still fighting. The event overall was awesome.

The main event was Mauricio Rua vs Kevin Randleman.

It was really good with some really good fighters. You guys should look out for this guy named Eric Esch. He won his fight and was never exposed during his fight. I think he is the real deal.

I think this Fedor guy is fortunate to still be fighting. He must be friends with someone in Pride because they ended showing his preliminary fight against Mr. Coleman after the main event finished.

I think someone at the DVD company is going to get fired as they put the fight in the dvd after the main event between Randleman vs Rua.

Either way, Fedor was exposed again in his fight. This guy has no chance.

sage77 - 
occmsrazr -  hey jack, i don't know if you've heard but fedor is the greatest p4p fighter ever!  how red is your face?!

I hope to god that you actually recognized the blatant sarcasm of the OP.

 well, i don't know... you seem to be ok at recognizing blatant sarcasm.. you tell me?

K-Dub-"T" - 

Some high level stuff right here.

literal lol