Schaffa V Bell

Yeah, but you are a girl Lemon :)

Spoke to the kiwi guy after his WR fight. Ian hit this kiwi kid for three rounds non stop, looked brutal.

Next day, he didnt have a mark on him, and commented the shots were not bothering him.

As I said, great skills, he may have power, I am not sure, but on more than one occasion, he has dealt out some serious shots that have not effected his opponent.

re V GOTOH - The rules stipulated it went the clock it was NOT judged ----- Automatic Draw :(

I personally saw it 1: 10-8 2: 10-8 3: 10-9 4: 10-10

So did Goto recieve 2 Standing out 8 counts in Rounds 1 and 2? I can't remember seeing that? I wouldn't give a 10 - 8 Round if there is no Standing 8 count applied.

If Goto did recieve 2 standing counts then I stand corrected.

In my opinion Ian Schaffa won the fight convincingly. Totally, don't agree with the, 'Automatic Draw' after 4 Rounds.

And I pretty much reckon Ian has the power to K.O. anyone. It's what Justin and I have spoken. It becomes a weight isuue. Ian is at lower end of the scale and more often than not his opponents and would be opponents will come heavier, especially if it's a night before weigh in.


Ngakau Volcano Spain

Ian won the fight, no doubt.

Dont recall standing 8 counts though.....


R1 was K1 and he had a count it was a clear 10-8, which I think you agree with.

R2 was MMA and Ian had a dominant round, the K1 MMA rules dont allow counts. Isaw it as 10-8 as he was bashing him. 10-9 is for an advantage round which I believe this exceeded.

R3 K1: 10-9 to Ian he got the upper hand but did not earn an 8 round on my card

r4: 10-10 Ian probably had 80% of the round but was rooted and GOTOH had him in a bad position for about the last 15secs - I'd give it an even score.

The auto draw is a bit of a bummer but is acceptable under the hybrid matching and potential for either end to be really sour. Not that it was case this time but imagine that bad judging saw this match as (scored) draw or win to GOTOH. Which these matches have the potential of doing.

I watched SAPP v LEBANNER and Ian's match was far far better. Interestingly in SAPPS they alternated between MMA and traditional boxing gloves with the rounds. This was not done in Ian's.

Ians match was a VERY 1 sided bout and like boxing 101 from Ian. The match rightfully earned him a spot in Hero's V MIYATA.


Ian SMASHED gotoh.

Pika i am definately a girl. But shh i wanna roll with the boys.

I still wouldn't give a 10 - 8 Round, even if a fighter was dominating the whole round.

If he can't put a standing count on his opponent or force the referee to, then a 10 - 8 Round is not to be applied.

That's why I have confidence in my judging ability because I know how and fairly.

If you keep your hands down Ian Schaffa will either put in a ICU or Knock you the fock out. It would be better to be KO'ed.

In the end you don't leave the fight to the judges.

Makes my job a whole lot easier.


Dont question his skills.

Dont question the win.

I still question his power.

I dont question that he would KO Pikachu in a fight.

Grant is correct re Ian's power.

As a boxer at 147lb he was always thought to lack true knockout power, I have that from a world champion boxer! His hand speed and accuracy REALLY compensates for it though.

Post match v GOTOH, he looked like he had been in a car wreck!

No matter what level Ian was at or pervceived to be at in boxing the rality is that in MMA he arguably has the best hands in the game.

For my mind he needs to wrestle, wrestle and then wrestle some more because when he stands in MMA he will not loose many if any matches.



I thought you were a troll,


I am not a Troll

LOL at pwn getting so worked up about me saying a pro boxer/MMA fighter could knock somebody out.

I thought you would pick up the joke from the sentence structure.

Just to clarify re the perception that I believe Ian lacks power

1: He boxes at 147lb so naturally that makes him small at 70kg/155lb and naturally less powerfull then the BIGGER 70kg fighters that often cut. realistically at 70kg Ian is fighting UP a division!

2: My statement was that he was never noted as a powerful boxer. Mike TYSON is POWERFUL, David TUA is POWERFUL, Mike ZAMBIDIS is POWERFUL, however, there are plenty of guys that still have KO power - like ian, however, he is just NOT a monster like some.

3: Does he hit hard?? HELL YES!!!!! when compared to the average man or AVERAGE MMA fighter.

4: am I arguing with myself?? :)
