Schilling BJJ seminar was awsome!

Today an awsome seminar was put on by Scott Schilling at the Shin Bu Kan Judo Acadamy, which is also the new site of Schilling Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Scott basically conducted a Q&A style seminar with each person in attendance asking a question about a certain tecnique, position, or situation. Scott then provided a detailed answer along with the tecnical application.

This lasted for approximatley two hours and was followed with all the participants having a chance to try out the newly learned tecniques on each other while rolling.

I personally learned alot(as I always do from Scott)and I hope everyone enjoyed the seminar as much as I did.




I hope the seminar was a success. I wasn't able to make it as it is my birthday tomorrow and I though it would be best to spend the day with Lynne and the family.


Great seminar Scott! All the best with your new club.
My two newfie buddy's really enjoyed it and learned


Sorry I could not attend. But I wish you the best of Luck with Shin Bu Kan Judo Acadamy.

Thanks to all that attended. I had a great time and met allot of new people with great attitudes.

My Students:
Tommy, Matt, Jason, Chris, Jon, Albert

London Jiu-Jitsu Academy (Instructor:Feteh Bellalem)
Fateh, Evan, Andrew

Gladiators Mixed Martial Arts Niagara Falls
(Instructor: Abdulhamid Hajifazul)

Shah Franco's Martial Arts
Wayne-o and friends


Going to this seminar fit nicely into my weekend plans. Unfortunately, the Gardiner being shut down screwed everything up. Pissed I couldn't make it but I'm glad to hear it went well.

Thanks Guys!


hey congrats , sorry missed it had a fight , but will be emailing you this week , brian

Ok Brian, No Problem.

I would like to announce the grand opening of the Schilling Brazilain Jiu-Jitsu Academy starting June 2nd
Location: Shin Bu Kan Judo Club 2359 Royal Winsor Dr. Unit #11 Mississauga Ontario

Large Spacious 3,3000 sq. ft. Facility

2,100 sq. ft. of Judo Tatami Mats

Walls Covered with 8ft. High, 6" in. Thick Crash Mats

Air Conditioned

Large Change Rooms and Showers for Men and Women

Classes Mon and Wed 8:00 to 9:30 Sat 3:00 to 4:30 Cost is $99. per month

Please contact Scott Schilling (905)847-2652 e-mail



excellent seminar scott,,

lot,s of info and practical knowledge was past on

good questions/excellent answers.



Matt are you going the OSW2 in Hamilton Saturday?

We leave at 4 after class for the event start time of 4:30.