Schools in Tucson?

I have a client that is moving to Tucson. Anyone know of any good schools for kickboxing in or around the area? Thanks in advance.

boxinf inc, rincon=free

I appreciate the responses, but I need more than a couple words and symbols. Addresses would be great. Thank you.

I hate to TTT my own thread, but I promised my client that I would try my best to hook her up with a school she would like. A little help please. Thank you.

The only place for muay thai that i am aware of is Daton Larsh who teaches out of a YMCA. His phone number is 520-591-1021. He teaches Muay Thai and no-gi grappling classes separately for only $40/mo. He's is a purple belt under Carlson Gracie Jr and trained with Fairtex when they had a school in Arizona. He has competed in Muay Thai and MMA before. I might start training there again soon.

Any questions, shoot me an email..

Off topic...but, Jason, check your email. Fantasy Football is up and ready to go!!! :) If you need any help, email me at BZLJJ@AOL.COM!

I dont know addresses but Ultima has always produced good fighters/bjjers. Martin Escobar is in Tucson as well and he's a black belt under Rey Diogo. those will be your best bet.

If you can get ahold of Drew Fickett and Jamie Varner they would be awesome training partners as well.

Sorry, thats the best I can do.

Santino (Nuclear Jiu Jitsu)

TTT. I'll help you out!!

bump for chicago and jb



Don't forget about Amos Sortello for bad ass boxing. Dave Klein for laughs and Drew, Sean Ficket and Dema Ramos for Jiu Jitsu. Dema is a Brown Belt form brazil sick on the ground fuck anybody up.

Dave Klein

I do private lessons and got the hook up...


Dema Ramos: BJJ Revolution Team

710 E. 9th St. Tucson, Az. 85719
(520) 603-0902 or 331-1331


My client and I greatly appreciate your help. I gave her all of the information so she will contact said people. Please take care of her as she is one of my favorite people ever. Thank you.

-Jason Bender